Today's post has topics!

Mar 26, 2007 13:58

Power outages. If you've never had one of these while asleep, be happy. They're more startling than when you're awake. The sudden lack of noise is deafening and (in my case) the follow up of various electronic devices making loud complaints that they've been disconnected is like a secondary mini heart attack while you're still trying to process what startled you awake in the first place. We got two of them in our little corner of Kentucky yesterday, each lasting a few minutes, but in the wee hours of the morn. There's nothing like stumbling in the dark with a back problem to get your flashlight so you can check the neighborhood, because your power company HAS screwed up like this before and disconnected you for living next door to the people they where supposed to disconnect.

Thank god I wasn't the only one peeking outdoors to make sure it wasn't just them. Nothing like vague voices from the ether at 6am.

Books. That is. I HAVE THEM. Wee! Went to the local bookstore, the place I'd been avoiding because it is an EVIL PIT OF TEMPTATION! Translation: Hastings. For those of you who do not have this delightful store nearby. It, in one building, has Books, CDs, DVDs, and paraphernalia that speaks to the heart of a beating fangirl. EVIL.

What did I buy?

Dune (because I should at least have a copy)
The first Dresden book. (Because it was one of the only series that I found that LABELED THE ORDER IN SOME MANNER ON THE BOOK COVER. Ahem. One day I'm going to do a 'book intro' post. Wherein we list the reading order of all those famous book series, everything from Pern to Valdemaar to Discworld.)
The three collections of the Tany Huff Vampire series (because I'd read them many moons ago and they'd not been my own copies. )

I also got my amazon shipment which had all four Anne McCaffrey novels from her sci fi series "Freedom..." (Freedom's Landing, etc). Again, read many moons ago and not my copies and I was one book behind. I'm rereading from the beginning because I like them and they're unfamiliar enough thanks to time that it doesn't feel like a chore.)

Bugs. Ugh. With the temperature firmly above 70 for more than two days at a time, the bugs are starting to reappear. Ick. It's really mostly a statement to how UNSEALED my apartment is (and makes me want to clean things in ways I'm not physically ready to yet) and if I had more, well, everything, I might go so far as to see if I could find some specific complaints to bitch at maintenance about. For now though, I mostly have to remind myself not to JUMP at/away from them too suddenly and to let the vacuum do most of the work. Also? I must remember to find/buy the flee drops for the cat now. Phoo. I have enough headaches these days.

Irony. So. Follow me here. I am reliving my book whoring youth. So I start to take stock of my bookshelves. So I go "I should really finally organize them from the move". And then I think "Well I probably have enough space for now, but soon my preciousses will need more." And then I'm all "But where would I put them." And then it's that dark path to "Well if I move that there and that there and I arrange this like that and I take care of this... I can totally get two more full sized (6 foot) shelves against the walls!" And suddenly I'm in that dark and dirty furniture moving place. Which, hi, my back is lodging a formal protest against in advance for obvious reasons. The urge to clean and organize is STRONG DAMNIT (and while the basic book reorganization is a GOOD idea because it's something I can do in 5 minute spurts/while sitting/however much I feel I can and thus is an easy and low impact way to get me and my back moving a bit more) and I kind of want to take advantage of it!

Hmm. Do people still do things for you for beer and pizza? *ponders* I can throw in chocolate!

Doctors. I have an appointment this week. Wee. Still have to arrange to get my last tests sent. Though that's an email really which I'm sending in a few minutes. I hope that covers everything. I'm mostly kind of annoyed because the doctor lady wanted tests that required fasting. She ordered these not 5 minutes after she prescribed a mountain of meds. To me this is moment of broken logic. Because I wouldn't need the meds if I could move freely without them and at the time there was no option of not taking them. Right now I suppose 12 hours (more like 16 when you think about it, fasting plus time to allow for waiting on the other end and eating because no way am I taking any muscle relaxants, no matter how used to them I've gotten, on that much of an empty tummy.) without anything would be okay-ish. But I'm still not really happy about attempting it. I still take the muscle relaxant in the middle of the night if I wake up past the next dosage. Also, I kind of wonder how long that stuff sticks around in your system. There was possible a moment of resentment too, because maybe she didn't believe it was as bad as I said it was. Maybe I didn't make the word "crawling" clear enough?

Any way, sending last physical (was in January, should really be good enough for this. It's mostly a baseline she's getting I think) results, including blood work.

Also? The pants post was HILARIOUS. I'm still working up to commenting on everyone's awesomeness. Go take a look and feel free to play!

state_of_ami, books, ami: life, ami: owowowow

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