Pimping. And other sundry.

Mar 06, 2007 13:32

First of all, my apologies. Pain makes me less coherent.

When I said I was taking more meds, I was well within the dosage limitations on the bottle. The ones I was taking where the 2 pills for every 8 hours. I tended to stagger the pills by a bit so that I didn't feel as sick. Though one pill had been enough for the last few doses. Hence eyeing the bottle.

Update: Another dose of hydrocodone and another aleve and some time with my microwave heating pad and I'm feeling... okay. Still hurts like hell though.

Current theory is that it's related to over compensating for things my can't do, as in leaning forward, my arms have to hold me up. Also I tried to use the oven last night, it's one of those under stove ovens, nice and low to the floor. I'd been using my left arm to hold me up with the cane. Ah well. The french fries were totally worth it.

However, I can live with it until my brand spanking new doctor appointment. I'd only been able to get an appt for several weeks away, today I found someone who is not only a woman, not only nearby, but whose nurse was smart enough to realize I needed a 'sick patient' appointment. So I go in on Thursday (assuming I can get a ride, wee). I still have the 'new patient' appointment for like, the 29th, but that's totally cool. Because I'll have seen her about the back and all the various shoot off pains before that.

I hope the lessening of pain is related to the pain meds and the heat (which I am going to have to stand up and reheat soon) and not the endorphin rush of finding a doctor who can take me soon.

However, typing is once again a real pain (for different definitions of pain now) so responses might be slow and far between. Thanks for all the quick comments and careful hugs. I totally appreciate it! *hugs flist all one armed and manly like*

Now to cancel the appt with the doctor whose nurse was a lot less helpful.

And now for fandom stuff, or rather "In which Ami pimps her heart out".

First, this weekend, even if I have to get SOMEONE ELSE to update the master list, 3daychallenge WILL be going live with a new challenge. Get your pimping hats on and wait at the comm for an official post sometime soon for some more information. (I would not be upset if you just started pimping the comm in your own journal right now).

Second, I have been strongarmed er talked into um given into my kinks and become co mod of a brand new comm called sga_genderfuck. Go check out the userinfo it's not just for ranma type stories anymore.

go go gadget pimp hat, ami: owowowow, weekend challenge

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