I am FAR too excited about the following:
1. My new travel mug! On sale and awesome sparkly blue! It's not ideal as it has a handle but an opening that does not allow for ambidextrous use. But it was under $10 so I am not complaining.
2. Awesome fresh baked pumpkin pie, the local grocery store (that is NOT WalMart) has a really cool bakery. Go Meijers.
3. While standing on line at the grocery store I approved someone's membership for a comm using ONLY MY PHONE. *beams* Shutup, you know that's hot.
4. Someone sent me TEA! Three samplings from
Adagio that look tasty and interesting. Thank you
5. Finding HUGE versions of my shampoo and conditioner in good shapes for handling AND a pump dispenser. This? Makes me smile. I do not know why. Someone send help!
6. Had another massage today. Is THIS what it's supposed to feel like on a slightly healthier back? A little sore like you worked out some kinks? Huh. Who knew?