quick flashfic thoughts

Aug 21, 2006 13:24

I think what's bothering some is the idea that someone might do their idea better. Or show all its flaws. Or ruin their 'artistic' impression. Or something.


Um, yeah okay. Deal with it. Really. I get that it's not how YOU saw the story. But hey, I bet my visions McKay and Sheppard cuddling in a closet while waiting for the wraith to disappear were no how TPTB saw them when they penned their episodes.


*sigh* I do get that too. I do. And it makes me a little itchy that someone I may not have vetted and checked out is going to be re-invisioning it. I mean, I have in the past given permission for sequels and I appreciate the courtesy, it makes me feel good, it engenders good feelings all around.

...but in the end, it was just someone who wanted to play in my sandbox, no different than what I do in the first place.


Yeah it does and the big one is don't claim other people's shit as your own. Which to me is a whole 'nother ball of wax, if you credit and link back to me, I find there's very little to be TOO angry about, after all you possibly just got me more readers. Sweet.


I think the challenge was possibly worded badly. Take a deep breath. The mods were not suggesting evil horrible things. Just a bit of fun and turn about is fair play.


I fear, heartily fear that someone will spear me with a spork with some re-rendition of my fic. I will feel bad and need cuddles and make someone write me porn. I may cry 'fowl!' in private, but mostly for irrational authorial reasons. I fear someone will show me for the hack that I am and I will curl up into a little ball and never have another inspirational thought again. I fear someone ELSE will overreact and the fun community will get hammered.

I want to be against it because in some cases my work is my BABY. And it's precious and special (even the shit I don't aknowledge anymore) and I like to reread it with a warm glow. But I can't find a reasonable argument against.

I want someone to inform me if they are going to use my work, but I'm not going to DEMAND it.

I want, crave, need, lust after interesting feedback. That's what this challenge can provide. Interesting feedback.

disclaimer: I am exhausted, hung over, waiting for my flight at McCarren. All stupid mistakes are the fault of those cirrcumstances... and my own comma splicing brain. Thank you!

ETA: More coherent update:

I don't see much of a difference between fanficcing canon and other fanficcers. On a general basic, this is what it is, level. It's what we do, we take a universe without permission and we play.

However, it is perfectly acceptable to say "in this instance, it's a different environment and in this place where we all know or know OF each other, we don't step on each other's toes." Because I do agree, it is a different environment, with different factors and there should be courtesy and manners involved in our interaction.

frothy rage

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