SGA Spoilers

Aug 04, 2006 22:05


With *flails* and the *flails* I KNOW I READ THIS FIC! And the helping with the running and the touching!!


Okay. Arrow in his ass. *watches fandom mourn*

*waits for the awesome fic this should inspire. No really. Come on.*

Current predictions: Rodney will once again be cut off and worried. *le sigh*

And to reiterate what others have said "Best opening scene ever."




Is Ronon flashbacking or having a seizure?

Did he do the daughter? He totally did the daugter!

Oh man... this is even MORE FANFIC. With the idiot villagers making promises to the wraith.

OH MAN they left their pager. That's so... drug dealer.

*dies* Rodney. Oh Rodney.

OMG. "Looks like you and -- messy hair... and caveman..." Omg. *dead*

Right now, station break for me to say "I love DH"

Quoth the sister: "That was a great abdominal workout."

Buddy??? Are you cheating on Rodney?

And Ronon is being honorable. Aaaw.

Oooh. Threatening himself. That makes so much sense. Also? I have read this fanfic too.

This is possibly the wordiest I've ever heard him be. "Good people." Aaaw.

Okay his determination to get Ronon. V. Hot.

Aaw Ronon. *snuggles him* And ladies gents I do believe is Halling under that makeup.

Commercial thoughts: That's TWICE Rodney's commented on the hair. *takes note*

John will now wear Ronon's gun out of... devotion... yes. Devotion.

Oh man. Reimplanting.

Ooooh They're going back to Setada. That makes so much sense, what with the episode title. *smacks self*

I totally want to know he's like.. hiding in his old neighborhood...

...and that was a fire escape. Wow.

And hey! Not just Rodney gets to look like a dork in goggles now!

Pause to recover from all of them wearing BLACK! *BREATHES*

BLACK T-SHIRTS FOR SEX FOR ALL!!! flashback? Okay. It is his old neighborhood. Sweet.


Okay this is adorable. REALLY.

Oh man. This is fic. This is really fic. All in black, ON THE FLOOR! ADMITING TO BEING DORKS!

Indian style! On his tummy! Oh man smittywing, I am having badbad thoughts.

That scene was too hot. Really. *has issues*

Commercial thoughts: Seriously. John and Rodney in the lab was just-- I have fic that needs to be written now I think. *happy sigh*

"How long did it take you to come up with that?"
"Longer than I care to admit."

There is so much pretty in that one exchange.

Aaaw Rodney is being all "we must save him!"

Okay this face off is interesting. Very interesting.

"You say that as if we're always getting into trouble." Oh man John, you definitely have some denial issues.

Ooh slipping on the armor. GOOD literary thing. Er word. Uh you know.

He's slipping into the past.

Someone watched Serenity. What? *innocent*

Slow mo essplosion. Niiiice. OOOO sillouette of sexiness

BACKSTORY OMG! With a hot blonde chick. This is why Ronon and Rodney get along. Really.

This non wearing leather thing is odd. But nice. And she works at a hospital. I really like these tidbits. Hey, how about we get some bits for characters that have been around since oh... the PILOT!! *points at the messy haired one*

Wonder if they were married. *ponders*


Ronon = Neo. There's a really good joke in there somewhere.

Commercial thoughts: Ronon was definitely conscripted, the question is when? Maybe he was in the reserves. I want him to have had some scientific thing going on. Premed?

Okay here's my question... the black uniforms have no logic to them... really. Especially Beckett. I mean yes black = covert or something. But that's not really how it works. And Why are they wearing the black on the first planet and when did Carson get black too?


"Not to me" oh man there's so much.

Anyone else go to an OT3 place?

And n ow a scary shipping place... oh no. *hides* OH GOD.

Okay this is also fic. He's also so banging all of them. And aaaw. With the lack of background and the clinging to friends. Okay even the touching didn't make me wanna hurl. Because he's so cute and brokenly vulnerable. *will be rewatching that scene later*


We're back in the fanfic zone. OMG. THEY ARE ALL SO BANGING EACH OTHER.

Oh I can't even... Okay maybe it's just Carson banging Ronon. Oh man.

New ship. Senior Staff/Senior Staff!

Okay yeah, he's definitely got some skills I think. Maybe.

Wow, right in front of him. That's gotta suck.

Okay the wraith are totally cheating.

John and Teyla to the rescue!! Aaaand Ronon is all martyr like.

Commercial thoughts: *eyes flist* Okay... which one of you wrote this? itlj is that you hiding?

OMG translation. *snickers* That was a great moment.

And is that Ronon's gun in John's vest?

Also, 5 bucks Rodney sitting on a donut.

Aaw "Come on.. let's go kill some wraith *offers hand*" That line was all kinds of fun.

And John can't even begin to believe he's in on this plan.

OMG this is like Lord of the Rings. LEGOLAS AND GIMLEY! (guess which one is which)

Okay Carson and Rodney are adorable as always.

"I got 9 Teyla got 8." And wow, that really WAS lord of the rings. Also? John you are a dork.

Oh Ronon. You silly man man.

OMG BECKETT SO WANTS HIM. Also, that rocked.



And they're all jealous!!! *DIES*

John, keep throwing your count up. We all believe you.

"won't mind if we give you a sedative".... or you can just pass out.

Hrmm. John didn't insist on taking the controls. That's so cute. That face he made was adorable.

And oooh the previews are intrigueing. With the manly scream.

And that's it. *smokes a cigarette*

P.S. I dub the new tank, THE BLACK TANK OF The SEX

P.P.S. John and his magically inflating kill ratio. He's trying to feel more manly after that conversation about FEELINGS.

Re that conversation. OMG SO MUCH SHINEY FODDER.

P.P.P.S Did anyone doubt that Rodney knew the symbols for all their gate addresses? There's a fic in there somewhere.

spoilers, sga

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