Trek, the universe and everything.

Jun 27, 2006 09:38

Dear Paramount Studios,

I don't want a new Star Trek movie.

I know, shocking huh? Let me explain.

If my mother can sit with me and hear vague casting spoilers and then turn to me and say "Wait, isn't that not supposed to happen until later?", you've got a serious problem. If my *mother* is catching time line continuity errors in your casting right now, before any script rumors other than your basic "How we can do this without using William Shatner" then mygod, think of what will happen later.

I'm tired, so very tired of Trek fen being bent over and fleeced of their money right before they're fucked just because the studio and the conventions know they'll let it happen even if the *fen* themselves KNOW they're going to bitch about it later.

I'm tired of a 30 year old universe being rewritten by people who just don't care anymore. I'm tired of the eye rolling at the supposed antics Trek fen can get up up to if their Universe suddenly has *BORG* in it 200 years before it's supposed to. (Thank you Rick Berman.) It's not an overreaction when you rewrite history and then people get confused and mad trying to fit it into the rich and powerful past this show has already created.

I feel like a cheap whore on the corner waiting for the next 'Kirk' to come 'round the corner looking for a good movie show time.

Without disparaging these fine institutions, this isn't DC or Marvel, it's not a place where there are multiple different universes and that each several year break can signal the start of a slightly different canon. Trek has never done it that way and I don't think it should. It's not like there isn't more than enough material added by now to come up with great stories. If you find yourself lacking, go to some of the Trek writers of old. Or at least to someone I know will respect the universe. Manny Coto, Judith and Garfeild Reeves-Stevens, Peter David and the many other people out there who know this universe and care about things such as continuity. (*Glares at Rick Berman*)

Stop treating me like a cash cow waiting to squeeze out one more dime.

It's exhausting and tiring and just a little demeaning.

FWIW, Casting Matt Damon as Kirk doesn't make up for shit.

Fucking Exhausted,

frothy rage

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