I lose at life

Feb 11, 2006 17:25

Dear the Universe,

You win. You have taught me some valuable lesson that I'm sure I'll suss out one day and find it making my life that much fuller and meaningful. Why this lesson had to come in the form of a, deader than the UPN, car battery, I'll never know. Your ways are confusing and mysterious and I bow to your obviously superior knowledge of The Way Things Work and the Supreme Irony of a Universe born from Chaos. Also? You're totally getting fatter every year. What? I'm just saying.

Might I add it was a clever stroke of *genius* that had you show me my poor car's current terminal illness at 3:45PM on a saturday when there was no feasible way to do anything about it and I was OUT OF COOKIES. There are NO COOKIES and it is ABOUT TO SNOW! This punishment is surely for something horrible and aggregious that I did commit. But I am a simple woman, and do not control such things as the Cosmos and the Fall TV schedule. so I have yet to decipher your generously given and, what I will no doubt find to be, obviously simple clues to discern where I have gone wrong.

Tomorrow I shall call AAA and I shall wait in the cold, snowy, BRIGHT outdoors, trying not to shiver to death or burst into flames from all that sunlight and then I will visit my parents days earlier than I had planned because I will need to drive my car for about that long in order to insure the battery is charged. And I will suffer the Family Time you have so obviously hinted at me with a 2x4 to the head that I should partake of.

I should like to note, that any phsycial harm that *happens* to befall said family during my visiting hours is *purely* coincidental and I take no blame or responsibility for it.

In summation, you win, I lose, I bow to the quixotic whims of a force larger than my ego,

p.s. I have shoe string french fries to comfort me, for lo, you are all mighty and powerful, but the take out places here totally like me better.

p.p.s HA! I brought in my boots and jacket! *laughs at the snow*

p.p.p.s Still no cookies. *sad face*

ramblings, life

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