If I were more vindictive...

Feb 02, 2006 16:12

...I'd unfriend a group of people and lock down my journal. And it's all on account of a small number of people who feel that *I* am engaging on behavior that *they're* actually enganging in and ONCE upon a time used bitch *with* me about *other* people engaging in.

Here's a hint:

Has someone's personality started bugging you and have they done something you find uncharacteristic, or worrisome?

Don't: Blame it all on them and think you're taking the high road.

Do: Examine what's bothering you and *talk* to the other person about it.

Don't: Assume you have no part in the issue.

Do: Be open to taking some responsitbility yourself.

And finally? If you're not up to doing any of that? If you somehow cannot see how you could possibly be reading the situation wrong and refuse to be grown up enough to engage in a dialogue:


You know, the one that shows all the parts of your life that I'm not privy to now and just rubs in that you think I'm not worth talking to or making any effort at all unless I harangue you and your friends.

No, I will not filter, becuause creating a filter for three goddamned people is giving them too much control over MY life.

frothy rage

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