SGA 2x20 Allies SPOILERS

Jan 31, 2006 03:32

As usual, as it comes to me.

  1. Plothole: Um. The wraith can feed on other wraith. *cough* The Defiant One *cough* so I don't get what the big deal about needing to turn them into humans is all about. Unless:
    • A. The ending implies that wasn't really what they were after at all but all that other stuff that happened, though it was probably icing, thought really someone on Atlantis should have remembered this.
    • B. It's also about the power dynamic and they want their enemies weaker, physcially speaking.
  2. So, apparently the crew of Atlantis has been spending its off time practicing for the roller chair olympics. Seriously, that's some good chair work. Though I did imagine Chuck falling down the stairs or something as a result of that push, though it did seem that he saw it coming and directed it. And Zelenka? Methinks David Nykl has too much time between takes. But it's also totally something a geek who spends all his time at his workstation would have figured out. It's all about optimization.
  3. The presentation of Gayitude! Seriously? These boys spend enough time around each other to complete sentences and MIMICK EACH OTHER'S BODY LANGUAGE. Need I say more? While I'm here, the arm pat. THE ARM PAT AND LOOK OF CONFUSION. There is fanfic being written where Rodney is thinkging 'I'm doing something incredibly brave and stupid, I get to touch a little right? I mean it's just a manly pat on the arm' meanwhile Sheppard is thinking 'Was that the secret gay signal? It seemed kinda gay to me.'
  4. Chuck needs a name. Not only does he have more lines than Ronon (I know, so hard, shut up) but he partook of the snark! You cannot partake of the snark without a name! And "Hey you!" doesn't count, no matter how much Rodney might want it to.
  5. Carson! Now you get an attack of the conscious! I can see this has been eating away at you, poor boobie. Though, dearest SGA writers? Too little too late.
  6. FANON ALERT: Prescription sleep aids.
  7. Who called her feeding on the transformed Wraith? I did! Also? Lucius? Was that you? So what? All white haired wraith go blonde? And because Micheal has a bit of black in his wraith!hair that means he's dirty blonde?"
  8. Sheppard. Your hair is on crack. Like more than normal. Next time you make out with Rodney in a corner, look in a mirror before stepping out into public okay? Rodney can get away with the untucked wrinkled t-shirt and the flushed cheeks, especially when he's inches away from jizzing all over shiny wraith technology. You however should at least LOOK like you made it through basic or something. I'm not even asking for officer training school. Ah who am I kidding, you're hot that way and you know it. Slut.
  9. Ronon, this week you rock. You do, your contributions verbally were pithy, but helpful. Also, at least this week's overreactions were like, not over the top. You get a cookie.
  10. Rodney/Hermiod = OTP. Seriously, that's like Rodney/Sheppard dialogue reversed. And it makes me HAPPY.
  11. Oh Rodney. You are so DOOMED! But wait, it's a pretty doomed! BLUE LIGHTING WILL SAVE YOU ALL! "I can safely say this is the most not okay I've ever been." I've written that line. I know I have. Goddamnit I should be working for this show, screw the fact I know little about actual screenplay writing! I have books damnit, I will LEARN! *points* If those monkeys can do it... *whistles*
  12. Finally. The moments that... scares and intrigues me. Sheppard and Zelenka in the lab. Good lord there was VIBAGE. WONDERFUL SHINY VIBAGE! Also? FANON ALERT: The bringing the coffee in under the guise of being nice. "I know, I ran into her in the hallway." Oh that's my Sheppard. *hugs him* Never change. And once more. VIBAGE. SOMEONE WRITE THIS FIC! *looks at everagaby*
  13. Addendum: On the Orion. Oh Rodney. "No please, don't get up." and "Yes, maybe, probably not" and finally "How about we just talk about it for a really long time."
  14. The virus. If the science lab did not disconnect all computers from the network and their sensitive information? They deserve to get hacked. Seriously unless some wraith snuck in and attached a transmitter, that shouldn't have worked.
  15. Any one else notice the red schematic of the wraith ship looked erm... *really* familiar? Especially the one with the little blue clit Daedelus?
  16. ""When I was a kid and I got my first encyclopedia, I started with the letter S." I love you John. I do. And. VIBE! ACK!

sga ep review, spoilers, sga

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