SGA Spoilers 2x18 Micheal

Jan 17, 2006 04:57

To second lamardeuse's response. Huh.

First of all, let's get it out of the way:


There. I feel better, how about everyone else?


And now onto my wild walk through Ami's wacked out non linear, you get it as she thinks of it, list.

1. I went in spoiled for Micheal, so the big reveal wasn't a huge surprise, but I do like the look of abject horror on Micheal's face. Unspoiled ones, am curious, how far did the charade take you? Were you surprised, unsurprised, bored, hoping he'd originally been a woman?

2. Props to JF. Good subtle acting on this one.

3. Rodney? Wherefore art though Rodney? Your lack of high pitched panic was sorely missed. Also, methinks someone was really freaking against the idea.

4. Ronon my boy, I get the trauma, I get the issues, but really? Hitting the guy who DOESN'T KNOW? More evidence in the 'reliving the adolescence he sorely missed' column.

5. Carson. Oh my precious Carson. I loved you falling asleep sitting up. I loved you looking all unhappy to be shoved into the mad scientist role by Elizabeth. I loved you looking all guiltly and stuff. Good stuff. Keep that up. Also, most of all, I loved that straight face you managed when you were forced to talk about the evil twisted red headed step child of science SGA likes to employ. Good work. *thumbs up*

6. RODNEY! WHERE ARE YOU?? Plotwise, however, good choice to keep him away as much as possible while the charade was still going on. Shit liar. Though part of me really wants it to be this big ploy to win big at poker one day. I want Rodney to have pulled a Larry. (POINTS IF YOU GET THE REFERENCE)

7. Oh wow, dude anyone else so incredibly happy that a. Micheal poked some really sharp holes in the human's moral superiority complex? and that b. was anyone else horribly excited that THERE WAS NO 'JOHNNY AND LIZZY DO THEIR WEEKLY PSA CODA'?

8. Conner Trinner got to ACT! You know, that thing they didn't let him do on Enterprise? Well they did, but whenever they did it, it was so that *he* could cry instead of her. And it would have been a great gender transcending moment... if they hadn't HAMMERED IT TO DEATH AND THEN SMOTE HIM IN THE MOST IMPROBABLE CHARACTER MOMENT EVER. But OMG did he act. And mad props to integrating some wraith body language even before Micheal found out. I am suitably impressed.

9. John. I like that John is security conscious. (Read this as: I am so fucking unbeleivably surprised that the writers remembered that John Sheppard is not only the military commander of the base, but that as such he should be concerned with things in the long term and not just the big ass scary shit that gets dropped in his lap on a moments notice. Now if they'd only change the security tactics in the control room and have Elizabeth cary a gun when the situation warrents it, I'd jizz my shorts.)

*gives sister a moment to recover from that last line, sorry sis!*

10. RODNEY! RANDOM MENTIONS OF YOU DO NOT MAKE YOUR ABSENCE ANY LESS PAINFUL! *rends clothing* Ahem. Yay John for being all "My boyfriend can SO hotwire this car DHD." This makes me happy in ways I don't wish to describe.

11. John rocking it with the attempt not to be mean and stuff. Looking damn unconfortable but at least willing to play along. *pokes Ronon* Watch John, his learning curve is apparently steaper than yours. If you're going to fangurl him, at least take notes. Also, him and Ronon running off after Teyla, obviouosly really fucking fast was hot. Nuff said.

12. RODNEY WITH THE SCARED CRACKING VOICE AND THE RED FACE! *SQUISHES HIM TO MY BOOBIES* Thank you Rodney for reminding us how screwed we are. Thank you John for reminding us of what we should have been doing all along *stares at Elizabeth* Woman. I get that it's a civilian outfit. I do. But you're at fucking war. And until the enemy is well and truly beaten, stop letting your guard down. Really. It makes you look bad and gets people dead. And makes Rodney squeak. Okay, that last one I can live with. But he turns these funny colors and I worry. *sends Rodney chicken soup*

13. Beacuse it merits another mention. OMG THE SCIENCE! OH GOD! THE HUMANITY!

More if it occurs to me.

sga ep review, spoilers, sga

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