w o w okay ranting time

Feb 24, 2013 21:58

Wowzers, okay, time for me to be an ungrateful bitch and rant about people in fandom pissing me off.

So I wrote a thing. I didn't post it here because I'm sick of lj formatting ,but whatever, the rant is going here. I wrote a thing, and it's gotten a decent amount of attention. In the half hour since I posted the final chapter, I've gotten three reviews (at time of this writing) that, well, range from offensive to rude.

(1) "What the hell? It ended with Brittana? Then why put it under Quinn and Santana? Actually the way you wrote it...well it would of made more sense to put Quinn/Santana together anyway."

(2) "If its not a Quinn and Santana romance then PLEASE mention it in the summary."

(3) "Wish I'd known this was another Brittana fic disguised as Quinntana, then
I wouldn't have read it.

You're a good writer and you capture the characters well, however, this story
is definitely not something I would have bothered with had I known it was
Brittana endgame. I feel like the amount of attention and focus Quinntana's
dynamic received throughout the story leads the readers to believe what they
had was more than sex, and it's why I expected things to go a different way.
Brittana was just... thrown there, and even as a "Friendship" fic, this story
fails me.

I'd expect this from the many Brittana shippers who've used Quinntana's story
arc on the show as en excuse to validate Brittana, which spawned several one
shots about how Santana wasn't over Brittany and being with Quinn helped her
realize that. Except that this time, it dragged on through seven chapters.

Should you ever write another "Quinntana" story again, I'll make sure not to
read until the last chapter is posted. So I don't waste my time reading about
a couple I'm not at all interested in seeing end up together."

(4) "Love the story. The idea of Santana being stuck with someone like Brittany for the rest of her life always makes me sad. Her falling in love with her was a beautiful story from Santana's POV but the idea of having someone who could never ever be able to engage with her in a meaningful way for ever is just so depressing. So I didn't love that. But the story was beautifully written."

(5) "Santana is way too fabulous to be stuck with someone like Brittany as a dead weight around her neck."

(6) "If Santana had ended up with anyone other than Brittany it would have been a perfect story. But I am willing to swallow her having to be a lover/girlfriend/mother/caretaker for the mentally disabled for once because I love the story."

Okay, let's break this shit down:

(1) and (2) and (3) can go together, because y'all are being dicks to me directly and that makes you the same singular entity of douchebaggery in my mind. Why did I put it under the Quinn and Santana character headings? Because it's about Quinn and Santana. It's not about Santana and Brittany, even though they end up together. It's not about Quinn and the person she ends up with. They're ancillary to the actual point. The entire story was about the friendship between Quinn and Santana and how, over the years, they grew up as people. Their relationship and all of its nuances-- including sex-- were key factors in that growth for both of them. So, no, I'm not going to say in the summary that the story ends with Santana together with Brittany because that is not the point. Like, remotely.

And no, I absolutely do not think that it would make more sense for Quinn and Santana to end up together. (Also, if you're going to tell me what I meant to write, then please, for the love of God, be grammatically correct when you do so. It's "would HAVE" not "would of".) Why should they have ended up together? Because they had awesome sex?

N O P E. Here's the thing, kids: sex does not equal romantic love. It can and very often is a manifestation of romantic love, but they are not intrinsically linked. Sex can be exquisite with someone you know nothing about, with your friend, with your rival, with your partner. That you have great sex together doesn't mean you're in love with one another. That you have great sex and a great friendship doesn't mean you're romantically suited for one another. Yes, friendship can often be a great basis for a romantic relationship, but having a great friendship that happens to sometimes involve sex doesn't mean there are romantic feelings involved.

So. TL;DR: yes, it ended with Santana and Quinn not together. Yes, the story was still focused on their dynamic. If you can't understand that friendship can be just as meaningful as romance and can involve sex, then you're a child, and frankly, I don't particularly care if you never read anything I write ever again.

And then (4) and (5) and (6). You're less douchebaggy because at least you're not being pissy about the writing of the story. However, I have to say, the gist behind your comments are, frankly, offensive.

Basically, you're saying that it's sad that Santana ended up with Brittany because Brittany isn't as smart as Santana (or Quinn, as the implication follows). And frankly, that bothers the hell out of me because...well...I'm not a genius. I have been friends with, had crushes on, been in love with, people who are smarter than me who I could never fully connect to intellectually. Does that mean that any of those relationships were less meaningful than those they had with people who were more on par with them intellectually? No!

Look, I majored in philosophy. I loved to argue. I love to debate and have intellectual conversations. I'm a snarky, sarcastic, argumentative bitch, and I love engaging with people who will spar with me in that context. But that doesn't mean that I haven't had or don't currenetly have or won't in the future have meaningful, incredible relationships with people who don't, or who are smarter than me, or who are smart in different ways, and it's demeaning to everyone involved to say that a relationship is somehow lesser if one person in it is smarter than the other. One doesn't become deadweight to the other, or an anchor, or a black hole of suck. Brittany and Santana together is only problematic insofar as it is written that Brittany is mentally incompetent, which, yes, the show does (or did; I haven't seen season four). I try not to do that because I don't think that she is.


Frankly, for all that I adore Quinn and Santana together in a romantic context, I also love Brittany and Santana together in a romantic context. I also love Quinn and Mike together romantically, Santana and Rachel together romantically, Quinn and Finn together romantically when approached correctly, Quinn and Sam, Sam and Rachel, even Quinn and Rachel still when written well. It's fucking ridiculous that people are so set in their shipping ways that they can't deal with a story about friendship. I never claimed that this story was going to end with Quinn and Santana together-- if you're going to bitch to me about implying that because it was listed under the Quinn and Santana character headings, then I'm going to bitch right back to you that it was listed under the friendship genre so shut the fuck up-- and if you're so determined to only read stories that end up exactly the way you want them to, then that's your loss and you're cutting yourself off from a lot.

Also, you're a bunch of cowardly anonymous dickcheeses and you need to find a way to channel your anger into something productive so you can make the world a happier fluffier place. If you want fanfic that ends the exact way you want it to, write it yourself.
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