I really think you came on the right timing, right when I felt miserable and depressed of myself. Right when I was terribly lonely, and I had no one to refer to. My true friends were far away, and I do not want to go to the topic of existing friends in the university. I used to loathe staying in my hostel because really, I felt as though my presence is unwelcomed and sometimes unnoticed. My classmates are my actual friends, and it's a sad thing that they're not always there for me (I mean, I can't blame them for that since they live off campus). To be honest, I've considered moving out of my hostel without my parents' consent because at some point, I just can't fucking handle it anymore. I thought I had no friends at all. But all of it changed now when Allah S.W.T. showed me that it's not the end of the world yet. Yes, it can be cruel and unfair at times, but I always see hope at the end of the tunnel. So when you decided to become my friend, honestly, you made my life the very least bearable as of right now. No one else would hear my constant complaints unlike you, and you never questioned my weaknesses. I know I can be a pain in the butt sometimes (especially when you had to drive me around) but I really appreciated it. So yeah, thank you for willing to be a friend of mine. I'm not that great of a person, but again... terima kasih la ye (:
p.s. On a side note, to
l_hyunkyo , I'm sorry I haven't been contacting you for quite a while. But it seems very selfish of me to be bothering you when your finals are near. But ilabyuuuuu still!