You know what I think?

Jun 09, 2010 01:25

I'm bored, and no one's entertaining me as of the moment.
I think I'm going to get a Corby! Haha, my mum was asking what kind of phones would I want since my old phone is kind of cracked. And I said I want a Corby and it does seem good news because the current retail price for a normal Corby (by normal, I meant the ones 2PM endorsed a few months back) is around RM499. And well, that's considered relatively cheap because over here, you can rarely find a touch phone below the price of RM700. So please, if you're reading this, keep your fingers crossed for me, pretty please? Thanks :D On a second thought, my mum was thinking of getting me an iPod for my birthday. But I guess she didn't know that her fellow daughter is an Apple product anti, LOL.

Oh, I went to my college (or should I say, former college?) to get my examination results. I got back two papers, Economics and Accounting. I got a 73 for Economics and an 84 for Accounting. To be honest, I don't feel good about them. Though people around me congratulated me for getting one of the highest marks in class, I still feel that I could've done better. I have been studying these two subjects for two and a half years already and I got THAT mark. Really now, I think I should stop playing for once and study - FOR GOOD. Let's hope that my new college is filled with smarty pants and drop dead geniusses so I'll feel intimidated and eventually study to save my own life. Amin.

 I was fussing to dubupoupee about how my Microsoft Office went retarded on me yesterday. So, I was determined to go to the shop and ask for a reinstallment. I went to Subang Parade with my heavy laptop (really, it's like 2.4 kg ++) and went to the shop where I first bought Magoo from.

Mira: Excuse me, I bought a laptop from your store once. And somehow, Microsoft Office wouldn't let me use it yesterday. I tried editing several documents and it wouldn't let me type anything.
Guy at the store: When you first bought it, did you buy Microsoft Office or was it just a trial version?
 And in my mind, I was like... what trial version? Oh shit.

Mira: Um... I'm... Not... Sure..?
Guy at the Store: Can I have a look at the programme then?
*a few minutes later, when I loaded everything...
Guy at the Store: Miss, your Microsoft Office is a trial version.

And I swear he gave me the Why-Are-You-So-Retarded face. I wanted to snap at him, but I kinda felt retarded myself, so I just let it be.

Mira: Then how much will it cost to buy the software?
Guy at the Store: I'm sorry but as of now, the software's currently out of stock.


Ferrero Rocher chocolates - OMNOMNOM.

Gotta sleep now, Imma have breakfast with my mum at Kayu Nasi Kandar tomorrow!
She's on holiday tomorrow and it makes me feel happy.

magoo, retard, birthday, chocolates, ramble, exams, college, computers

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