I'm bored, and no one's entertaining me as of the moment.
I think I'm going to get a Corby! Haha, my mum was asking what kind of phones would I want since my old phone is kind of cracked. And I said I want a Corby and it does seem good news because the current retail price for a normal Corby (by normal, I meant the ones 2PM endorsed a few months back) is around RM499. And well, that's considered relatively cheap because over here, you can rarely find a touch phone below the price of RM700. So please, if you're reading this, keep your fingers crossed for me, pretty please? Thanks :D On a second thought, my mum was thinking of getting me an iPod for my birthday. But I guess she didn't know that her fellow daughter is an Apple product anti, LOL.
Oh, I went to my college (or should I say, former college?) to get my examination results. I got back two papers, Economics and Accounting. I got a 73 for Economics and an 84 for Accounting. To be honest, I don't feel good about them. Though people around me congratulated me for getting one of the highest marks in class, I still feel that I could've done better. I have been studying these two subjects for two and a half years already and I got THAT mark. Really now, I think I should stop playing for once and study - FOR GOOD. Let's hope that my new college is filled with smarty pants and drop dead geniusses so I'll feel intimidated and eventually study to save my own life. Amin.
I was fussing to
dubupoupee about how my Microsoft Office went retarded on me yesterday. So, I was determined to go to the shop and ask for a reinstallment. I went to Subang Parade with my heavy laptop (really, it's like 2.4 kg ++) and went to the shop where I first bought Magoo from.
Mira: Excuse me, I bought a laptop from your store once. And somehow, Microsoft Office wouldn't let me use it yesterday. I tried editing several documents and it wouldn't let me type anything.
Guy at the store: When you first bought it, did you buy Microsoft Office or was it just a trial version?
And in my mind, I was like... what trial version? Oh shit.
Mira: Um... I'm... Not... Sure..?
Guy at the Store: Can I have a look at the programme then?
*a few minutes later, when I loaded everything...
Guy at the Store: Miss, your Microsoft Office is a trial version.
And I swear he gave me the Why-Are-You-So-Retarded face. I wanted to snap at him, but I kinda felt retarded myself, so I just let it be.
Mira: Then how much will it cost to buy the software?
Guy at the Store: I'm sorry but as of now, the software's currently out of stock.
Ferrero Rocher chocolates - OMNOMNOM.
Gotta sleep now, Imma have breakfast with my mum at Kayu Nasi Kandar tomorrow!
She's on holiday tomorrow and it makes me feel happy.