
May 23, 2004 15:47

I don't really have much to say... I just feel oddly obligated to write some sort of notation in this thing... it's kind of like crack cocaine actually. haha..

I come home soon... and I've got loads on my mind.

Sometimes I wish something would just sweep my away and take me far from anything I've ever feared out there. But each feeble attempt to escape only results in the inevitable return to life as it was, only times two. Running away does no good, and there will never be any sort of escape worthy of saving any sorry soul. Here's where the part about "doing what you can" steps in. That part is the best, if and only when you can successfully pull this state of mind off. More often we seem steadily searching for something, but more importantly does it even exist? Some have spent their lives searching and pondering upon the meaning of life that forever seems far away. Perhaps life was never meant to be sorted out or figured out. That seems like a waste in itself. Life was meant to be lived. Live.Explore.Conquer. The most that one can do.

Hopefully an escape home will set me free of a demon or two.

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