No period yet

Dec 28, 2011 00:34


♥ Were you using any hormonal BC (pill, ring, patch, shot, etc.) or IUD? If you did, did you have any problems with it (missing/late pills, or did you recently stop using it)?

Nope. I just had a baby in April and have been breastfeeding (I was using NFP before getting pregnant). I haven't had a period yet
♥ Did you use any barrier methods (condom, diaphram) or spermicide?
Nope. Didn't think I was fertile
♥ Did you use the "pull out" or withdrawal method?


♥ Where did ejaculation occur (in vagina, in condom, outside body, etc.)?

All up in there...

♥ Have you taken Emergency Contraception (which is effective up to 5 days afterward)?

Nope. I don't believe in it (not "I think it's wrong," but rather "I tried that last time and now I have an 8.5 month old")

♥ How many days are usually between the first day of one period and the first day of the next?

Anywhere between 25 and 42 days, but like I said, I haven't had one since July 2010

♥ What was the date of the first day of your last period?

July 3rd, 2010

♥ When is your period due, or is it already late?

No idea. I've noticed some signs of ovulation about a day after we had sex....

♥ What date(s) did you have sex?

12/17 and 12/18 (twice on 12/18). I noticed signs of ovulation beginning in earnest on 12/20

♥ Please list any recent lifestyle changes that may have affected your cycle?

My little one is eating more solid food and I'm pumping/breastfeeding less.

Are you trying to conceive?


♥ Have you already taken a pregnancy test?

Not really, but we weren't actively trying to prevent it. Like I've said above, I didn't know I was fertile until after this all happened. :)

♥ If so, when, and what was the result?

We were going to start trying next summer for #2

♥ Is there any other reason to believe you are pregnant?

I've had a lot of cramping, but that isn't uncommon with ovulation for me (as I remember anyway). Im just concerned because we had unprotected sex and then I had all of the signs of fertility. OOPS! I didn't know it was coming!

I just don't know how long to wait before I take a test, since it's been 542 days since my last period, and my cycles were always irregular to begin with.

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