
Jan 24, 2006 15:23

ok, this has been bugging me for a while now....
i claim that i hold frienships close and what not, yet i let them fall apart...

i.e. a friend of mine who i haven't talked to in about 2 years, let alone seen in now 5 years is back in the states, i have unlimited long distance calling and what not, i call her and dispite how much time has passed between our chats i have barely anything to say aside from " hi, how've you been, my life sux and is boring, and no we aren't married yet." how fucking pathetic is that??

even now i sit here and think "if i call her, what the fuck am i gonna say?" it's not like i only have 2-3 more days left to talk to her before she goes back over seas....

i can go on about this for at least 5-6 other friends, that when i do finally get a chance to talk to them i don't have anything to say...even when i hang up i still have nothing to say, i just get mopey and aggrevated that i had nothing to say.

i have their numbers, for the most part, i have their im names and they are online, yet when i im them or call tehm, nothing comes to mind except " hi, how are u" crap....

so for my friends that do read one of my many blogs please feel free to comment, hell even yell at me, cuz i'm just that boring that i can't think of anything to say to you all....omg i've been down here to long....i''m using " you all"

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