Sustainable living

Mar 02, 2010 14:21

My whole life I have felt older than I really am. Today it seems to be more evident. Instead of blogging about going out and drinking and other things people my age are doing, the majority of my time is spent thinking about knitting, gardening, getting married and sustainability.

My main political views are pretty conservative, but lately I've been thinking more about being self-sufficient. I think that ties into the gardening. Almost all of the gardening websites I have been looking at also discuss sustainability.

I highly believe (and maybe that is part of how I was raised) that there is a good possibility that there could be a time in my life that we may not be able to rely on electricity, water etc from the government like we currently do and I don't want to be left without any other options for taking care of myself.

It also seems like a lot of work to be self-sufficient. I was just reading someone's blog who did all their laundry by hand and they also have cleaning cloths that they use instead of toilet paper. I am all about using less and I know my washing machine and water heater are not as efficient as they should be, but there is something about giving up toilet paper and the washing machine that I am just not ready to do.

I plan on starting small. I've been meaning to buy/make some cloth napkins and so I think I will go to the thrift store on my days off and see if there are some there. I also have been meaning to make something like these and I really should get on it.


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