
Sep 21, 2004 17:47

Okay, I feel like crap... and my internet is being a pain in the ass... so yeah... I'm kind of in a bad mood ;o;


So Allie and I were walking to class this morning when who did I see? Chris Ederer ( I have forgoten how to spell his last name XD ) I was just like OMGWTF XD
I mean he was such a freaking loser in Jr. High that I thought he would have at least studied more and got into a good school.... but apparently he's at BC o.o;; whatever XD
He looks THE EXACT SAME as he did in Jr. High... same damn "look at me I'm an angsty asshole!" look... maybe he's a little taller ^o^;;
I am now tired of typing... I just noticed that I type faster than anyone in this room o.o they're all typing slowly... and I'm typing all quickly XD yay for bad typing skills ^o^

Now for the list of things I hate at the moment.
1. Kids, they're just so freaking loud and annoying.
2. People who talk on cell phones in libraries
3. Most gaia mods
4. Fat people who wear tight clothes that show off everything... common... you're fat NO ONE WANTS TO SEE THAT!!
5. People who pretend they are better than you o.o;;
6. Beenies in general.. but I hate more the stupid beenies that have the little rim on them to make it look like you have a baseball cap under it @__@ it just looks so lame.
7. People under the age of 14
8. Q&F'ers ( gaia )
9. People who just log onto computers when it isn't their turn.... that's just stupid.
10. The name Amanda XD

okay that's it for now.

11. Smelly people... some guy just sat down next to me... and he -dies-
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