Federal Refund: $721
State Refund: $125
Mult. Co. Tax Owed: $95 (don't forget to do your Mult Co. taxes people!!!)
Not bad. Now I can pay off the money I borrowed from my folks a few months ago and even have enough left over for some new headphones, and maybe some new music. Last year I spent most of my money on my iPod. Now I need some new stuff to put on it.
I think I need to go play outside since it's nice and it's 'Saturday.'
Music note: Haven't posted anything for a while, but I contributed this to a music list I'm on with some friends and thought it was cool enough to post here too (now that I think about it, maybe I'll start a new list for people whose music tastes are more like my own; stay tuned). Anyway, here's
View From a Stairway by Deepsky. Saw these guys do a live set a Ohm last month that was amazing. It was even more cool when Crystal Method dropped by to check it out too. Anyway, give it a listen and see what you think if you're so inclined.