Due to Sanju's overwhelmingly kind response, here is my first crappy fanfic.

Mar 10, 2010 19:11

I wasn't originally planning on posting this but due to chanjuu 's kind response, I've decided to post it up. Please note that this is the first time I've ever written a fanfic so it isn't as good as everyone else's.
I can't promise a sequel cos I have no idea where I am going with this.
This is only a draft and this is also temporary and will be deleted soon.
FEEDBACK IS WELCOMED. Please tell me what I can improve on. Any suggestions on what I should add or remove?
I don't care if you think this is crap. If it is, tell me!

About the fanfic, I chose to write it on Yamada and Keito of HSJ. Don't ask why. It's a bit of a depressing and unfortunate story but I can't help it. I write the best when I have sad storylines. So basically, Yamada pretty much hates his life because of his past and then suddenly feels motivated to live  a better life when a new girl arrives at his school. Yes. It's one of those cliche, new girl moves to school, boy falls in love with girl, girl and boy have secrets they hide from each other and eventually overcome this kind of storyline. Yes, it is cliche and yes it isn't original but this is just a sample of how I write fanfics. I just wrote this sample for feedback. So, I hope you like it :D

EDITED: I re-wrote the forth paragraph.

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Title: Untitled. Suggestions?
Characters: Yamada Ryosuke, Keito Okamoto & a Fictional Character.
Rating: G. Be warned, this is a soppy fanfic. And it  brings out a side in Yamada that I could never imagine him having.
Chapters: 1/?
Genre: Love/Angst/Violence
Disclaimer: All members of Hey Say Jump belong to Johnny Kitagawa.  I only own the disgusting and boring plot.
Summary: There’s a new student at school and Yamada has fallen for her. But will his past interfere with this blooming romance?
' Even under cold temperatures, her hand was so warm. ‘Are you waiting for someone? Like your girlfriend?’, she playfully teased '

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‘Wake up Yamada!’

As I slowly opened my eyes, I heard someone calling my name from a distance. My vision blurred as I got up from my bed. It was all just a bad dream. Just a nightmare. I was back to reality now.

I felt dizzy as I walked around my room to make sure I really was awake. What time was it? ‘6:30’. OH NO! I was late for my first day of school. I rushed to bathroom. Brushed my teeth. Combed my hair. As I fixed my tie, I caught a glimpse of my old scar on the arc of my shoulder. Yet another reminder that I was no longer dozing off as my nightmare consumed me.

It was dark. We ended up in a narrow alley. I was out of breathe as I ran down what seemed like a never-ending path. It was a dead end. We had nowhere to go. He slowly advanced towards me. Suddenly, he pulled out a knife from his pocket. It caught the light from the streetlights and hit my eyes. I shielded myself from the blinding reflection. She was breathing rapidly beside me, grasping the end of my shirt as if her life depended on it. "You traitor!", he yelled, staring at me with accusing eyes. "What are you talking about?", I asked, confused. What was going on in his head? I gasped as he held the knife to my throat. "Don't do this! It doesn't have to end this way!", she pleaded in my defense. "Shut up! I didn't ask you to talk you rogue!". She flinched at his words and tears escaped from her eyes. I stared at him, trying to read his expression. Sadness. What was the reason behind the pain I detected in him? Before I could recollect my thoughts, a stabbing pain had overcome me. As I looked down at my shoulders, his knife was embedded in it. Blood trickled from my arm as I covered the wound with the palm of my hand. She took off her jumper and wrapped it around my wound. For the split second when we looked into each others eyes, a piercing scream had consumed the whole alley. My eyes widened as I looked down at her chest. All I could see was a knife, blood and her limp body, lying on the ground. "Stay awake! You can make it. Just stay awake!", I pleaded, sounding desperate. After realizing what he had done, he screamed at the top of his lungs and repeatedly hit his head on the brick walls, allowing himself to bleed. She wasn't his aim. I was. Knowing that she had thrown herself at the knife rather then allowing it to kill me, he felt envious. I watched as his body dropped to the ground. His body had landed perfectly next to hers. They lied together wearing peaceful expressions. Like Romeo and Juliet before their final breathes of life. And for some reason, this killed me, like you wouldn't believe.

I blinked, pinched myself and came crashing down, back to reality.

I skipped steps as I hurriedly made my way to the kitchen. ‘Good Morning, Yamada! Did you have a nice sleep?’, my foster mum asked me with so much gentleness in her voice. Of course I wanted to make her happy and tell her, ‘YES! I did have a nice sleep! It was absolutely perfect!’. But it wasn’t. My nightmares get worse as the nights come and go. And they are almost always the same. Just me. Running away from him. She is also there. But it always ends the same. And then she's gone. ‘Umm. . I had an okay sleep I guess.’. My voiced wavered.  My foster mum knows about my nightmares. She knows that I have pills that prevent these occurrences. But she doesn’t force me to take my pills. Cos she knows they will go away soon.

After I scoffed down my breakfast, I grabbed my shoes from the floor, put them on, and then ran outside. Oh no. I nearly forgot something. I ran back inside, gave my foster mum a kiss on the cheek, then ran all the way to school.

I was just in time. I was the last one to enter the school gates before they closed it. ‘Mr. Yamada, you’re lucky to get here before the gates close. BUT YOU’RE LATE FOR ASSEMBLY!’, Mr. Yokoyama screamed at me. Stupid teachers. Always getting angry for no reason. I was still tired from running to school but there was no way I was going to be five minutes late for assembly. As I entered the building, every single head turned to face me. I heard snickers. ‘Tardy again Mr. Yamada?’, Mrs. Matsuyama asked with disappointment in her voice. ‘Sorry’, I replied as I found a seat next to Keito.

‘Late again huh?’, Keito asked with a worried expression. I couldn’t reply back since Mr. Yokoyama glared at me from the other side of the room. I just nodded. So far in the six years I’ve attended this school, the only friend I’ve made is Keito. I don’t know why we’re friends. I guess we have so much in common. Whether it’s debating math’s equations, discussing the latest video games or finding new strategies to prevent bullies from taking our lunch money, we always have something to talk about. I think it’s safe to say that Keito is pretty much my best friend. He’s the only one that knows about my past. Everyone else just makes up what they think happened to satisfy their own curiousity. It doesn’t bother me though. As long as Keito is my friend, the gossipers can make up whatever they like.

The principal made his way onto the stage. He’s probably announcing new students. That’s pretty much what assembly is all about these days. And announcing our homeroom classes and who will be our classmates. Keito is in my class. This year is looking bright already.

‘These are the new students who will be attending this year. I’ll read out their names in alphabetical order’. After each name, Keito and I both predicted what clique the new student would hang out with and whether or not they will become popular. I’m not judgmental or anything, this was just a bit of harmless fun. The first new student was a nerdy looking guy. He was short and combed his hair back. Poor guy. He’ll probably get bashed on his first day. The second new student was another nerd. The third new student was a girl. I didn’t hear her name. Keito wouldn’t stop talking in my ear. She looked sad somehow. Like she had a sad story she couldn’t tell anyone. I spent the rest of assembly sneaking glances her way. I need to find out her name. Otherwise I refuse to go home.

Everyone left assembly with their assigned homeroom class and teacher. It was our first homeroom session since last year. The new girl was assigned to be in my class. I sat in my seat and waited for class to begin. Since our seats were arranged in alphabetical order, I wasn’t anywhere near Keito. But I sat right next to the new girl. It turns out her last name is Yamamoto.

‘Welcome back students. Your first class will start as soon as home room finishes. First, I will hand out your timetables and then you can go to your first class’. Great. Mr. Yokoyama is my homeroom teacher. He handed out our timetables. When it came to my turn to receive the timetable, he just threw it at me. Stupid prick.

First, I have Specialist Maths. Yes. My best subject. I took a seat at the back of the classroom, trying to blend in with the dull paintings on the wall. The new girl kept walking past the door. I wonder what was wrong. Maybe she didn’t know how to read the timetable. And she probably doesn’t know which class is which. I went outside the classroom to try and look for her. But she vanished. Maybe someone else helped her find her classroom. ‘Excuse me, I don’t know where I’m suppose to be’. I small voice came from behind me. I slowly turned around. And it was her.

‘I don’t quite understand how to read the timetable. I noticed that you were in my class earlier so I was wondering if you could help me’. She looked so lost. Like a puppy dog that was left outside to fend for itself. She handed me her timetable. I looked at her subjects. Creative Arts, Physics, Chemistry, Specialist Math’s, Biology and Literature. Huh? She didn’t have English. Maybe she was excused from English because she was studying Literature. I noticed that we both shared the same subjects. So that meant that I was always with her. ‘You have Specialist Maths first. I have that subject too. It’s in room 5. I can take you there if you like’.

I looked at my watch. There was two minutes before class started. ‘Okay. Thank you so much’. It was almost a whisper so I had to come closer to hear what she was saying. She smelt like strawberries. I gave her back her timetable. As I handed it to her, she smiled. ‘Come on! We’ll be late for class’. I lead her back to room 5 and sat back down on my seat that was no longer warm. ‘Umm. .  Is it okay If I sit next to you? I really don’t know anyone else here but you’, she asked as she looked down at the floor. ‘Yeah. Sure. I’m Yamada by the way. Yamada Ryosuke’, I said as I shaked her hand. She hesitated and took back her hand. Embarrassment covered her face. ‘I’m sorry’, she replied as she quickly sat down on her seat. She tried to make herself busy by reading the textbook. When I looked back at her, I noticed that the textbook she was ‘reading’ was upside down. ‘Uhh… Is that how you normally read books?’. She looked at me with confusion. I pointed at her textbook and laughed. ‘Oh! Oops!’. At first she looked angry but then she burst out into laughter. She playfully smacked me as she shook her head and started reading her book properly. Why do I feel all tingly inside?

Today seemed like any other day. Everything flew by. Everything ended so quickly. Class was over quickly. And so was recess. And then it was home time. The whole time, only one thing stayed on my mind. The new girl. And that moment when we shared our laughter.

Usually, I took the bus home from school but for some reason, I didn’t feel like it today. As usual, I was the last one to leave the school grounds. It was raining. But it didn’t bother me. I loved it when it rained. I feel like walking home. I took out my umbrella from my bag but something caught my eye. My umbrella fell. It was her. Alone in the rain. Standing a few meters away from school.

She chased after my umbrella and handed it to me. ‘You forgot this’, she whispered as she took my hand and wrapped my fingers around the umbrella. Even under cold temperatures, her hand was so warm. ‘Are you waiting for someone? Like your girlfriend?’, she playfully teased. ‘No. Actually, I take the bus home’. ‘The bus left five minutes ago. I think you missed it’, she said, more freely and brighter this time. Her smile was so bright. It could light up a whole town. ‘I realized. But you were here alone so I decided to accompany you’.

‘I’m waiting for someone. It’s okay. You don’t have to wait for me’, she quickly replied back, sounding nervous. ‘Too bad. I’m waiting anyway’. I smiled at her and she smiled back. I wonder who she was waiting for. Maybe her mum. Or dad.

Surprisingly, the time went by as we both talked and laughed about nonsense. I found out that she came to the school with a scholarship, she previously lived in England and she plays many instruments. I was soaked in rain. But I didn’t mind that much. As long as she stayed dry. ‘We’ve been talking for so long and not once have you mentioned your name’, I asked. ‘Oh, it’s-’. And then suddenly, I heard the school gates open. Perfect timing. ‘Thanks for waiting! The teacher was helping me with something’. Wait a minute. That sounds like Keito’s voice. What was Keito doing here?

‘Finally! What took you so long?’, she ran up to Keito and held the umbrella over him. What was going on here? I felt so betrayed but I don’t know why. I wanted to break Keito down. I wanted to hit him. I wanted to hurt him.

They acted like they were boyfriend and girlfriend. ‘Let’s go! Before the rain becomes worse! Oh! Hi Yamada! I didn’t see you there! I’ll see you at school tomorrow!’. Of course you didn’t see me there you blind idiot. All I could do was stand there in complete stillness. They both walked off together. The whole time, she was waiting for Keito.

The rain became heavier now. Each raindrop hit the ground with a force of a punch. I could taste the rain in my mouth. It tasted bitter. I bet that’s what betrayal tastes like. My uniform was soaked. I wanted to run but my legs felt like concrete.

They started to disappear into the rain. Then, suddenly, I heard footsteps. It was her again. What does she want now? I imagined her running up to me, pulling out my heart and stepping on it. ‘Here you go. I don’t want you to miss school tomorrow because of the rain’. For the second time, she took my hand and wrapped my fingers around the umbrella.

She started walking back in the opposite direction. Walking back to where Keito was. ‘Oh and my name is Aoi. Aoi Yamamoto’. She waved goodbye and then disappeared.

Her words hung in the air. Repeating in my head. My name is Aoi. Aoi Yamamoto.

The end.
I hope you enjoyed it.

hsj: fanfic, fanfic: yamadaxkeito, fanfic: keito okamoto, fanfic: yamada ryosuke, fanfic: fictional character

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