Charlesbury Crossing, Robin Hood Demo.

May 16, 2010 11:36

The Demo at the Robin Hood Movie was a complete Success. A HUGE thank you to everyone that came out and helped. It seems that every time I turned around there were more people, more “stuff” and more fun. You can also tell that we also came prepared. Not knowing if we were going to be inside or outside, almost everyone that showed up brought water!

The Manchester Theater was so accommodating. We were inside right next to one of the 2 theaters that were playing the movie and down the hall from the other one.

Here is the list of people that came out to help support our Canton, The barony and The SCA. First thanks to Bridgit of Willowood for contacting the correct people and setting it up for us. Thank you to Murieene for bringing snackes. Thanks to all the artisans, fighters, and archers that showed up. On to the list of people: Bridgit of Willowood, Aminah bint al-Megl’lid, Tuhan, Tristram Von Rosenheim, Prudence the Curious, Jessamyn di Diemonte, Murienne l’aloiere, Liam of Middlegate, Symon de Ipswich, Afshin Darius, Meadhbh the Handy, Brandon of Tipperary, Annora Hall, Luis Padilla, Ivonne Cervantes, Rosanella Vespucci, Kat Romonish, Achbar ibn Ali, Christian Thomas of York, Bessenyei Rozsa, Callidore, Liz Parsons, Dianne and Bart. Please forgive me if I have missed anyone.

Now as shameless plug. If you had fun yesterday, you can do it all over again. We will be hosting another demo on June the 5th at Pineville Lake Park, Pineville, NC

Aminah bint al-Megl’lid
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