Oct 20, 2004 16:08
so0o0..today kinda sucked...i have shitty headache...people are in pissy moods and pissing me off and others are pissing me off for no reason. ughhh.. i want my special k cereal and a pomegranite thats ripe unlike the one i bought. ARGHH. i'm in such a bitchy mood but have no one to bitch at cuz i dont feel liike being bitchy to ne one. i wish someone would do something to make me hate them and yell at them cuz life isreal boring at the moment...then again i don't need people calling me a bitch all the time like last year cuz i had like the jackass flu and was sick with it for like 3 months. still have the headache...feeling veeerry unloved people. i need more friends or something... umm i'd say just leave a comment or something but that only leads to dissapointment and looking like a loser when people dont
<3mary lou