Chicago is closed down. Public schools, we are here, at home. Days with severe inclement weather say to me: "Cook! Cook all the things!"
I made a scramble this morning with onion, mushrooms, spinach, and cheese. It was AWESOME!
I also made brownies, which, given that we were lacking milk (**sob**) we ate over vanilla ice cream. The brownies were better just as brownies. I'm very excited to have more now that Husband, who had to go to work, is home with more milk.
These brownies are from a recipe
"The Best Fudgy Brownies" by Tasty which I've found easy to customize. I always am generous with the vanilla and cocoa powder. I always add 1/4 tsp coffee extract and 1/4 tsp pure almond extract. I also like ground nuts. Last time I used moist, ground pecans. This time I used almonds. Both are good. I like the little crunch the almonds add. This recipe is awesome.
There is also an ENORMOUS pot of bean stew with spinach. (Photos to come once it has cooked.)
Dinner is also in progress: chicken marinated in spices, roasted garlic whole wheat couscous, and roasted asparagus. MMmmmm.
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