UK Trip: General

Jul 25, 2012 20:37

We've done London.

We've done WaterWorld.

We've done York.

We were rained on in Edinburgh.

Our day trip to Loch Ness was absolutely BRILLIANT. Gorgeous, stunning, amazing. Alan, our driver and guide, was hilarious and delightful.

We've done Aberdeen, just to BE here, and Elf got to play at the beach on the seashore for the first time ever and for well over hours. I got to watch the tide come in (it really, like, comes in...and places where there wasn't water half an hour before are suddenly's like a daily flash flood. Unreal...even though I know this always happens it's amazing.) for the first time ever (lifelong Illioisan, remember?). Just...fantastic day, and about to be topped off with time with the fantastic alias_jems, who's graciously letting us STAY WITH HER rather than camping!

Tomorrow it's onto a series of trains to go from Aberdeen way down to Lacock so we can pick up our bikes and start the most arduous part of the holiday, though all this walking has been hard work for me. And, in just six days, we'll be with the lovely tempertemper and her (alias_jems's words) mad daughter!

I am IN LOVE with these islands, even more than I was before.

Best thing of the day? I GOT TWO TUPPENCES!!!!!!

girl, elf, travel, uk, lj, friends, england, scotland

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