Oct 20, 2003 22:55

Amanda Tapping was the geeky blond scientist who was working on the consciousness research in "Near Death". Not the crazy one who goes catatonic at the end at Nick's place when he almost dies, but the one who's all guilty because of the folks dying, who tells the boss (who then gets himself killed), who bonds on a geek level with Natalie over the research.

We watched bits of all kinds of things. Large chunks of OtL, most of FtB, much of ND (see above), scenes from "Curiouser and Curiouser", NiQ, SoB, "False Witness", and "Dying to Know You".

I miss these people--both the actors and the characters. I'm still sad that it went all bad instead of there being a less destructive outcome to everything.

It's odd to me that I'm now older than Nat was at the end of the series. When I watched before, she was older than me, even when she was her youngest, even in the flashbacks to her 28th birthday.

There was much squeeing over the cuteness that was 1st season, but, for me at least, as fond as I am, and as much as I finally can enjoy it with some distance, there is still the bittersweet of knowing.

I am frightened by how much I still many lines I can still quote with them, how many I know before they say them, how much of the lighting and blocking and costuming I know, how many names from the credits seem familiar and almost like old friends. I even know the approximate episode numbers. I am more pathetic than I knew.

And Natalie geeked out with a proto-Samantha Carter.

fk, fandom, nostalgia, amanda tapping, nat

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