I would like to state, for the record, that "Da Lime in Da Coconut" is high on my list of Really Annoying Earworms. :-P
Most Ironic License Plate of the day goes to one that read "GOD WL PRVD" ...and was on a Cadillac.
My last comment is on the fact that, despite what many of my 17-year-old students might erroneously have "discovered" in their research in this past week, Great Britain's main objective during World War 1 was NOT to protect American ideals from the commies and Nazis, nor did they write and sing "Over There" to rouse support for the war. You know. For the record.
My joy of the day was I got totally verklempt at the
It Gets Better commercial that ran during Big Bang Theory tonight. It probably has been making the rounds for a while, but that was the first time I saw it and...it was BEAUTIFUL. The older men, in particular, made me swell with pride at how MUCH better it has gotten for many people. Still a long way to go...but...better. Yes. And there is still better yet to come.
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