School projects

Apr 04, 2011 22:26

Do you know what school projects, like Build A Model Of The Solar System are good for?

  • Fomenting family strife
  • Costing families money
  • Teaching children to procrastinate
  • Teaching children to lie to their parents by omitting the existence of said project
  • Getting paint all over things
  • Making parents be Active Participants In Their Children's Learning (aka, contributing significantly to the final product)
  • Helping parents develop the fortitude not to harm or end their children
  • Producing debris that will be found all over the house for days
  • Making Mommy miss Castle

Do you know what school projects are not (no matter WHAT the perky science teacher INSISTS "other families always say")???

FUN. Very Not Fun!


In other news, the ankle I didn't sprain (this time) is the one aching more.

science, crafts, parenting, ankle, school project, annoyance, kids

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