It's Me Again, DW, Eleven, Martha, Mickey

Oct 27, 2010 00:26

It's Me Again
by amilyn
Doctor Who for yahtzee63
100 words


"Mickey told me you do this. Change, I mean."

"Yes. It would get tiresome, don't you think? Nine hundred years with one face?"

Martha wrinkled her nose. "This you is a bit rag-tag."

"Should I be insulted?"

Mickey rounded the corner. "Did you find the Chumlap?"


"Ah!" The Doctor kissed air by Mickey's cheeks.

Mickey jerked back. "Who's...oh no. It's you."

"Me, yes, definitely me. Delightful to see you! What was that about Chumlaps?"

Martha pushed him aside, fired. It thudded in a cloud of feathers.

The Doctor gaped, "But..."

"Tranquilizer darts. Couldn't risk mussing your bow-tie, could we?"


fiction, my fanfic, meme, drabble, dw

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