Dec 25, 2009 01:39

I got THE YULETIDE STORIES I wanted. I got TWO full-length story (and a treat that I can't get to yet).

Seriously. THE stories. Most perfectest Yuletide EVER (well, the Snakes and Ladders story I got for my 2nd Yuletide was also Best Thing Ever). Seriously. THE EXACT stories I've wanted. ::GLEE::

"The Visitor" is Forever Knight with Natalie and Janette having a very tense and uncomfortable talk. Janette is frustrated and practically loses it. Nat's searching for a weapon, any weapon. And Sydney? He's in the bedroom so he won't hiss the whole time. It is GORGEOUS. Nat and Janette! Talking! NOT getting along, but TALKING! Set after "Feeding the Beast." I'm SO giddy!

"Push Comes to Shove" is an Early Edition story with Brigatti, talking to Lois, listing the charts she keeps of Gary's lame excuses, going to dinner with Gary and it's PERFECT! (And I know who wrote it la-la...) Seriously. I've wanted to read THIS STORY since 2001. I'm beside myself with GLEE!

There is another treat that I haven't seen yet because it won't load yet (heavy giddy traffic and all). I'm sure it's gorgeous too!

And I got WRITING done! Three full-length stories, five drabbles, and one "triple drabble" (read: couldn't fit it in 100 words, didn't have time to flesh it out to 600-800, but did make it exactly 300). I'm quite pleased, though I did want to write more More MORE! tzikeh is totally right: Yuletide is like my HEROIN. MORE!

fic, yuletide, glee, fic rec, links

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