Baha'is in Iran: Ongoing Persecution

Jul 11, 2009 12:13

Today is Baha'i Rights Day to call attention to the seven Baha'is who are on trial in Iran--after lengthy imprisonment without contact with lawyers--for being Baha'is.

An Open Letter to President Obama by julietma outlining the Baha'i Faith and how the persections in Iran for those adhering to this Faith

There have been official statements from the U.S. Government and other countries, condemning the kangaroo court and persecution of these seven Baha'is and others Iranian Baha'is. You can click "Recommend" on that Yahoo page and see if more attention can be called to the situation since Yahoo News only makes easily findable "highly recommended" articles on topics of such reaching and international impact as Michael Jackson's death.

There are so many human rights violations going on out there's really a global disaster. This one incident is one we have a possibility at impacting.

ETA: The trial of the Seven in Iran has been delayed". I don't know if this is good or bad; I wish they'd get this over with and release them already. Maybe it means, though, that people are getting through?

baha'i, human rights, links

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