Isn't it lovely to live in a sexist culture where women aren't considered real humans?

Jun 20, 2009 15:13

I've been meaning to post a link to this for a while now. cereta made a post that has spawned lots of thought and discussion that I think is important.

Cut for possibly triggering stuff in the excerpts and comments, for those of you who are interested; links below if you'd rather just that )

ads, abortion, links, rage, adoption, feminism, women, rape

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mylittleredgirl June 21 2009, 02:24:18 UTC

But you are anonymouse so I will not know who you are!

I agree so very much with what you are saying. I did explain to my father once I was older why his stance was way inappropriate, and he gets it now, and we're totally good. I am one of the lucky ones. In Oregon, where I live, there was a proposal on the table in a recent election about "mandatory notification" of parents when their mature teen child (over 16) had an abortion, and that was just awful. Parents, boyfriends, husbands -- all of them might think that they have a "right" to decide weigh in because they have a vested interest (financially, at the very least) in the woman's decision. But the woman is the one who actually has to live with it, no matter which way she decides. I guess that's only tangentially related, but thank goodness that bill didn't pass (it failed largely due to a last-minute campaign ad showing an abusive father receiving the notification letter in the mail and coming after his teen daughter -- scare tactic, but a very real possibility).

amilyn is fabulous! And I totally did not doubt her at all. I was just saying that I would understand, because I know that abortion is such a huge hot button issue, and some people feel personally affronted or uncomfortable around others who don't agree with them 100%.

I can't even handle the idea of harrassing women outside health clinics. I just don't get it! It seems so un-Christian!! (I am liberally grouping all the pro-lifers into that category, though I'm sure that there are militant pro-lifers from other faiths). *SEETHES WITH RAGE* I feel like somebody should do a freaking study on how many unborn babies are "saved" using scare tactics like that, versus how many would be "saved" with, I don't know, something more constructive and compassionate and kind. Grr.


mylittleredgirl June 21 2009, 04:24:23 UTC
Christians who behave that way are definitely doing it wrong. And sorry about the anon thing, I have a situation. I'll PM you so that you know who I am.


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