AP Reading

Jun 05, 2009 22:03

I got in to Louisville last night with no problems.

My roommate is nice and we chatted too late last night. Everyone is nice and I've been shockingly social; it's weird, knowing that EVERYONE is a teacher, a geek (I mean...they're here to read hundreds of papers...hullo), and from all kinds of places so there's this ready-made topic about where they're from and what they teach and at what level...

By tonight I was DONE with people, but I keep being all interested in the folks around me.

They feed us well.

I get to score the first essay question--the one on the Shakespeare passage from Henry VIII where Wolsey is reflecting on his dismissal--and scored 51 essays today after we went through the training and prep. I had trouble staying awake after lunch today, so I'm going to have to modify my caffeine intake accordingly. The ABSOLUTELY BEST thing about the scoring setup is that, instead of a loudspeaker and the jarring nature of that, they have little digital receivers and headphones, so we ALL have our own little personal listening devices! Also, I'm wearing a baseball cap and the difference in dealing with the Big Room and the lights and glare is AMAZING. A student suggested it and it was a BRILLIANT idea. I'm REALLY enjoying the scoring and I'm apparently right on track with the scores I'm assigning.

The hotel room we have is HUGE--a living room the size of my living room at home, a bedroom the size of my bedroom at home (if not bigger), a bathroom at least 2-3 times the size of the bathroom at home. It's very weird. There are TWO flatscreen TVs in the suite--one in the living room area, one in the bedroom.

The only flaws in this hotel are:
-no DVD players in the room, none to rent/borrow
-no indoor pool (outside...in the sun...UGH)
-no tub, only a HUGE ENORMOUS shower

The hotel does, however, have a gym, and I WORKED OUT tonight (I'm trying to start off my summer by establishing good habits). It has wi-fi (YAY!), which I'm using now.

My left calf is hurting for no readily apparent reason, and I'm limping, and after my limping and my Wednesday exercise, my back is spasming and I can barely walk. So I've borrowed a wheelchair as I can't hardly get to the convention center where the scoring is. Unfortunately, the chair the hotel had for me to borrow has no rubber for tires...just the hard plastic rims...so...no traction. But it's better than the excruciating pain of walking the 2 blocks. THIS is why I worked out; I'm trying to improve the back pain by strengthening, losing weight, loosening the muscles, etc.

Tomorrow I get to see cheekygal and Sunday I get to see spacekid77. minerva_fan? Wanna try to get together?

ap, exercise, ap reading, scoring, back, travel, hotel

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