Chuck vs. the Best Friend

Feb 24, 2009 02:32

I thought Yvonne did an outstanding job with the utterly shattered and look of disbelief and grief on Sarah's face when Chuck blew up.

I continue to LOVE Awesome--with Ellie, with Chuck, with Jeff--because he's just an all-around good guy. It was sweet that he and Ellie got in a quickie. And his surprised, "Dude, you're sposed to stop a door with your foot."

Jeff and Lester continue to be Even Creepier Than Ever, and yet sweet in their devotion to each other. I liked Chuck's "I'm more surprised by the other 20%." And while it was just ICKY...their stalker-van the reel-to-reel tape was hilarius. I love Casey deeming them "crazy stalkers" and the parallel lines of "Subject is on the move" to "Idiots on the move." "Bartowski, you're like the poster child for friendly fire."

So many lovely little things like Chuck slapping Jeff's hand away from the bell!!!! Casey was a delight this week, as were so many great lines like his "Good job" being followed by Chuck's immediate, "I hate you." Then the, "You know what? I've been thinking" and Casey's quick, "Stop that." I love how much Chuck has taken to RUNNING off to do what he needs to do. Sarah and Casey In unison "Stay in the car, Chuck." HEEEE!

I will say that I don't know why Chuck didn't tell Morgan that he was "getting to know the competition" to get an inside insight into how he could win Anna back. I mean, it just seemed OBVIOUS....but since Chuck was freaking...not the thing he thought of, I suppose.

As a note, dotfic has a lovely analysis of the point-counterpoint re: friends/big picture with Chuck/Sarah-Casey. In a similar vein, it is sweet watching Anna be so thrilled that Chuck and Sarah consider her a friend...and interesting that Sarah feels that she has no friends and doesn't quite recognize that Chuck considers HER his friend. The look on Anna's face being really rather touched that Morgan is following her around is both a bit sad/pathetic and sweet that she's happy he wants her.

Also? Both Sarah and Anna looked GREAT. That blue dress was gorgeous (and not even as exploitative as usual...or else I'm becoming innured...and I love the little lace shoulders on Anna's dress and the ruby reds.

Ellie can do valve replacement surgery! Did we know that she was a surgeon?

I LOVE that Morgan gave his gaming ID.

I thought the car fight with the girls was a bit much. It was NEAT choreography in terms of trying to us such a restricted space, and very difficult just went on and on. And while I'm on the topic of presentation of women on this show...could Anna possibly have a skirt that is, maybe, an inch longer or two? *sigh*

"Learn to follow an order, Bartowski!" ....and then Casey on teh roof and Chuck not letting him in till he PROMISED to save Morgan. I LOVE the remote control for the car, "I never promised to let you drive."

I also wanna know if Sarah cuffed the Triad chick and why they believed Sarah's badge and not Casey's.

I laughed at Casey putting in ear plugs when Lester was singing. Jeff, otoh, actually does the harmony well. I love that Morgan only got up the nerve to say he likes Anna. So sweet.

At the end, I think the hand holding was Chuck holding Sarah's hand to say, "I care and you matter to me." She wasn't quite convinced or sure what to do with it, I thought, and Chuck seemed entirely confident; he was being *Chuck* and Morgan with them both having girlfriends, and Chuck being supportive of everyone...lovely.

I keep waiting for someone to start asking how it is that Sarah's always damaged. Also, < sarcasm> she's EXTRA lucky. Nothing *swells* even when she needs steri-strips to hold things closed.< /sarcasm> But it's, you know, fiction, right?


I'm happy.

fannish discussion, fandom, huck

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