Doctor Who Announcement (and me gloating)

Jan 03, 2009 14:07

This is me doing something far more publicly than I usually do: gloating and mocking.

I've been a Doctor Who fan since 1979 (I was 9 years old). I was around and paying attention (even if only peripherally) when Tom Baker resigned.

I remember reading about Tom Baker and John Nathan-Turner being in the car on the way to the press conference where TB was announcing his resignation and deciding to mess with people on purpose, so Tom deliberately, when talking to the press, made a point of saying, "I wish the very best of luck to the next Doctor, whoever he or she may be."

The press, the public, and the fans went berserk with the mere idea that the next Doctor OMG might be a WOMAN!!!!

Fast-forward past the selection of Peter Davison (Who? You mean Tristan from All Creatures?? He's too YOUNG!), then Colin Baker (Who? Oh, he's so rude...), then Sylvester McCoy (Isn't he a Scot? I think he's done stage...), then Paul McGann (Wait...the Americans are really going to follow through with filming something for Doctor Who? Seriously?), then Christopher Eccleston (The BBC is bringing it back? Who is that guy? I've never seen those weird films...), then David Tennant (He worked with RTD in that Casanova, and was growly in that HP movie and...I've heard they like him on stage, I think, but isn't he awfully young?)...

And then there is the hoopla that has been the past OMG-who-knows-how-long.

I've ignored it, commenting only to say the following:

"We don't know. We won't know. The BBC won't announce until it does, which will be as late as they can manage. In the meantime, ignore any rumors; they won't be true. Ignore any speculation; it won't be worth it. We won't know till they announce it. And when they do, it won't be anyone anyone ever thought of. It'll be someone we've never heard of because you don't become the Doctor because you're famous: you become famous because you're the Doctor."

So, today, they aired a Confidential to announce the new actor who will be Eleven.

I actually did not expect an announcement until they were filming and were going to be unable to avoid information getting out, so I figured much later this year and AM actually surprised that the annoucement has been made so early. I mean, the Beeb has often put off announcments until it's PAST silly, like last year when they kept insisting that they had NOT officially renewed or announced the renewal of SJA (which was true), while we were like, "Then MAKE the announcement; Lis already said she has her call sheets." So I'm surprised they've made the announcement, but not at all surprised that it wasn't someone even on the radar.

I will also say that I wonder if the earliness of the announcement is due to concern about whether DT will be able to fulfill his commitment to the specials given his recovery from back surgery.

I am looking forward to seeing what they do with the new guy; this is the one show where I seem to be totally fine with change.

Hmmm...color me surprised today. Not.

Also, link via lefaym, there is a post that made my day here.

fandom, doctor who, casting, rumor

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