The Shows I'm Watching

May 04, 2008 12:25

Inspired by the wonderful, wonderful article "Your friends are not watching the same show as you" (which, if you haven't, you really must read) by Merlin Missy, and by woodface, who did this herself today following mrv3000's example, following is a list of the shows I watch and have watched.

Batman (various media and versions): The Barbara Gordon Story
Blood Ties: The Just TRY to Mess With Vicki Nelson Show
Bones: The Everyone Adapts to Listen to the Brilliant Nerdy and Asperger Folks Show
Doctor Who: The Time Travel! Great Dialogue! Quirky Characters! Doctor-and-TARDIS Accompanied By A Cute, Funny and Clever Girl Show
Farscape: The Aeryn Sun Kicks Ass and is Gorgeous Doing It Show
Firefly: The Great Dialogue and Jayne is More Likeable Than He Should Be Show
Forever Knight: The Natalie Lambert is Awesome (and Don't Anyone Mess With Her) Show
Life on Mars: The Sam Tyler Tries to Make The 70s Better And Things Work Out for Sam, Gene, Annie, and Chris Show
Quantum Leap: The Time Travel Adventures of a Nice Guy
Sarah Connor Chronicles: The Hot Women With Big Guns Kick Ass (and There Are Bonus Time Paradoxes!) Show
Sarah Jane Adventures: The Sarah Jane Is Smart and Cute and Awesome and Wonderful Show
Scarecrow & Mrs. King: The Amanda King Chatterbox and Creative Problem Solving Show
Slings and Arrows: The Geoffrey and Anna are Awesome Show
Snakes and Ladders: The Audrey Flankman Show
Stargate: SG1: The Sam Carter is Brilliant, Kickass, and Awesome Show
Star Trek: TNG: The Beverly Crusher Show (sadly, it didn't know what its own focus was intended to be)
ST: V: The Kathryn and Chakotay Show (I stopped watching it became the Capt'n Katie Being Batshit Insane Makes Her a Good Captain Show)
The 4400: The Diana Skouris Show (with Richard Tyler, Maia Rutledge, Tess Doerner, and Kevin Burkhoff)
Torchwood: The Ianto is Awesome and Gwen is Cute and Tosh is Hot Show

So, you think I came close to an accurate assessment of myself here?

Also, can anyone send non-procrastination energy?


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