Yuletide Recs
Stories for ME!!!!
The 4400
"Family Portrait", by
krazykipper. Lovely little moment of Diana watching Maia.
"Look Upon Verdure", by
ainsley. Diana reflecting on life, the 4400, science...lovely introspective piece.
Forever Knight
"But Together", by Estirose. It's my Natalie, relaxing, taking time off with Grace and thinking about what she'd like
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Also, I haven't had too much time to read yet, but you've recced almost every fic that I enjoyed. Since your taste clearly coincides with mine, I'll be making extensive use of this once my children go back to school and I can ignore housework read fic in peace.
Sounds like we're from a similar time period in fandom...OMG...I checked your profile and you're not even a full year older than me, you have a son with autism (mine is 5 and HFA and I'm an Aspie) and you're also in Chicago.
As for the coincidence of high-functioning sons and both in Chicago, that's weird! *laughs* Let's see how far you can push the correlation: I'm on the South Side, in Hyde Park. What part of the city do you hale from?
I'm going to switch to email for more details but...yeah...
::adds to icon-game::
Oh, I wasn't going to get more specific than a neighborhood of ~40,000 people in a public place, believe me! But still, wow... South Sider fen! Yay!
::adds to icon-game::
I'm afraid I don't know that one, though from the seventies look I clearly should. Since I seem to have deleted my VR.5 icons, and to pay penance for my fandom ignorance, here's a gimme.
I betaed a VR.5 story for someone before I'd even had the premise explained to me. I then got to see the whole thing (including the un-aired stuff) in a huge, gulping, in-order marathon. Until Life on Mars I'd never seen another show that made pretty much NO SENSE for 13 episodes till the last 10-15 minutes...
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