Quick Kid Update

Jan 03, 2006 09:19

Elf's hearing has been back to normal for a while. We're working hard on getting her to LISTEN, though. We keep having to repeat things before they soak in and she follows orders.

Ben is obsessed with cereal...won't eat hardly anything else (don't know where THAT came from). He's also speaking in full sentences and LONG phrases and signing more and more. Just now he said, "Yes, more milk please, Daddy." So he's doing great.

We're on the search for all of his Thomas trains, though; he still occasionally squirrels things away and we don't know where he hid the ENTIRE set and can't find them anywhere. We're hoping he didn't "hide" them in the trash or sneak them out of the house.

There was something else that I lost or was looking for that I was going to put out a general all-call, "Has anyone on my FL seen..." ...but I don't remember what it was.

Husbanda nd I are both completely at a loss about the trains.
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