Self Rec Saturdays!

Jan 14, 2017 15:08

sylsdarkplace beat me to it this week! lol! Go girl!

brightly_lit very kindly suggested I make this a weekly thing over here at
amilliondays because, as she said, "Aw, man, I love this idea! Our own works do (or at least should!) make us happy, so why SHOULDN'T we post about them??" and she's completely right, isn't she? How many of us have found an old story we wrote that may well be full of errors but still makes us smile gleefully, or laugh out loud? How many of us have dug through our old art portfolios and found a picture we'd forgotten we created and just *had* to share it with the rest of the flist? Well I think it's about time we celebrated our own achievements. They don't have to be pieces that got a lot of traffic, or artwork that was in all honesty a Van-Gogh in the making, just something that made you smile, made you proud to have created it!

So, today is the day for posting your happy making endeavours here at the comm and I hope to see some pieces that y'all love and want shown off to the world (our little world anyway!)

My Self Recs for the day are...I want to point out that this was created for a story, by theatregirl7299 ( Pegasus Rising) and it is in NO WAY an actual recreation of anything or something I want spread around as a *thing*, but having said all that I was extremely proud of the thing. It genuinely looks like it could be an lj article somewhere!

I've shown you mine, now show me yours XD

self-rec saturday

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