Feb 15, 2006 04:58
In case you haven't done this yet this year, welcome to the 2006 edition of getting to know your Friends. If you have never done this before, what you are supposed to do is copy this entire entry into your blog and change all the answers so they apply to you, and then post it for all of us lovely friends to read!
The theory is that you will learn a lot of little things about your friends, if you did not know them already.
1. What time did you get up this morning? Ummm... I didn't really go to sleep... so I don't think I can answer that. Normally about 4 hours after I go to sleep... whenever that is.
2. Diamonds or pearls? Well, I'm a southern belle so I would have to say pearls... I don't actually own a lot of them but I still think they are beautiful and while I love diamonds, I want my diamonds to be special, so I don't really wear any for fear that they will make ones I recieve later in life seem, while no less glamourous, somehow less significant.
3. What was the last film you saw at the cinema? Either the Chronicles of Narnia or Dick and Jane, I don't know which one I watched in what order
4. What is your favorite TV show: Though it only says to meantion one, I can't limit myself!! House, Family Guy, That 70s Show... probably in that order.
5. What do you usually have for breakfast? I'm not really a breakfast person so milk if anything most of the time ... if I was picking a favorite though I would go for French Toast! yummm!
6. Favorite cuisine? That is not an easy choice to make... Chicken Alfredo I guess, though the only meal I could eat all day everyday is Outback's Alice Springs Chicken... yummm its grilled chicken with bacon and melted cheese that you dip in a sweet honey mustard... ooooo Outback.... now I'm hungry! man!
7. What is your middle name? Oh God? Really? This is the worst question... ummm *think how to digress... think how to digress* ok... got it... ummm no.
8. What food do you dislike? Tomatoes, and onions, and lettuce, oh my!!
9. What is your favorite CD at the moment? Anything by Martina McBride really... I love all her songs and I want her newest CD like crazy just can't find it and don't really have any money for that sort of thing.
10. What kind of car do you drive? Well, I have a 98 Honda Accord but here really soon I am getting a 2006 Honda Civic Hybrid! So exciting!
11. Favorite sandwich? An egg sandwich with Mozzerella cheese! I know... might not sound great to everyone but it's magnanamous!
12.What characteristic do you despise? I am sooo picky about that so I don't know really... if lying is a "characteristic" then it's 100% that... that good? honesty is top notch for me... i'd rather be hated for who I am then loved for who I'm not.
13. Favorite item of clothing? No question! My coca-cola pajama pants. They are navy blue with a tiny coke symbol and they are sooooo comfortable!! Oh, and if earrings count as an item of clothing (which I'm pretty sure they don't) then really that's my addiction... I have more earrings than a New York girl has shoes!
14.If you could go anywhere in the world on vacation, where would you go? Italy and Austrailia are tied for the top as my most exotic locations but really, even though I have just recently been, Disney World would be wonderful as well, I'm just a big kid and I want to go again already!!
15. What color is your bathroom? Depends, downstairs is green (that's the one I use the most really) but upstairs is blue (more commonly the guest bathroom).
16. Favorite brand of clothing? I'm not really sure that I care for one more than another... I guess if I could wear anything I'd say Wet Seal... I am really happy with them and Cato.
17. Where would you retire? This will probably sound crazy and I'll probably never have it, but I'd really like to end up in the country of either South Carolina or Georgia in my very own plantation house... yea, big dreamer, I know.
18. What was your most recent memorable birthday? This past year I was attending school and doing a law internship in Washington, DC and I was hitting some pretty low and lonely parts right around my birthday missing family and friends and my sister and brother-in-law paid to fly me back to the south for a LARP event and some good ole friends and family time... sometimes it kills me to know that I have such a great family and great friends and so many people don't have either...
19. Favorite sport to watch? That is wicked unfair to ask!! Ok Ok... football (both college and pro), Baseball, and soccer... in that order.
20. Furthest place you are sending this? To Iraq! Hey there Robert!! *smiles*
21. Who do you least expect to send this back to you? Well, Robert of course since he sent it to me... it would be silly to redo it! lol
22. Person you expect to send it back first? No idea... all the girls are good like that!
23. Favorite saying? "WTF Mate!?!"
24. When is your birthday? October 31, 1985... yes, that's right people!... I said Halloween!!!
25. Are you a morning person or a night person? Night, night, night! I can't stress that enough! My hair is not the only thing scary in the mornings! lol.
26.Pets? You betcha! One for every person in the house! lol. 2 cats, 2 dogs, and a ferret... they are my babies!
27. Any new and exciting news you'd like to share with us? I get to go share my portfolio with some teachers at the Savannah College of Art and Design soon... I'm terrified (this big lump in my throat) but I'm still excited... pray I do okay?
28. What did you want to be when you were little? I don't remember if I had anything really... I wanted to be daddy's little girl forever... that's still what I want. I guess if I have to give an actual profession I would say a photographer for National Geographic because when my daddy would read to me about history and the world when I was little I told him I wanted to take the pictures because the words were no fun! lol Maybe that explains my passion for photography today!?
29.What are you today? A photographer and a student!
30. What is your favorite candy? Sour Patch Kids and Pixxy Sticks with Surge ( do they even make Surge anymore? I can't find it *pouts*)
31. What is your favorite flower? Spider Lillies... always said the man of my dreams would buy them for me one day...
32. What day on your calendar are you looking forward to this year? March 18th!! Or whenever my sister has that beautiful baby nephew of mine!! I get to go help her out for the few weeks pre-baby! YAAAY!