so today was the wonderful claims floor meeting...and I actually like to go to hour away from my desk...joke around with everyone(well they mostly make fun of brad)..and I get to learn how a company is run...though I still don't know about half the stuff they are talking about...I try..
but afterwards I talked to my boss...the nicest person in the world...who I did plan on avoiding so that I could keep working full time...she can't tell me I can't if she can't find me...right?....
that's a lot of can't!
..anyways...turns out I don't need my crazy plan...I can..more than likely continue to work full time...yay!....though my plan was a good included a safety pin and a manatee...but I won't go into to much detail...I'll just have to re-work it all for something else....I'm just excited...I mean I could live off the part time money perfectly fine....but full time I can avoid being extra stingy with my money and save up for once...working full time this summer has helped me out a this has made my day...I'm probably the only person excited about working...this kinda makes the pain from almost shaving my fingernail off in the shower last night almost bearable!
lake george this weekend! I'm gonna jump in that lake...ride sweet donuts....all while riding in a boat...yeah... so there
back to the danger signal reports....