Mar 31, 2006 10:20
I thought of something last night that I wanted to write about....but my drool filled sleep has swept it away..
my sister turns 15 tomorrow...her quincenera :)
I feel so old
I wish that everything I thought of would come out as clear and intelligent as it is in my mind...I'm not sure what it is....if it be my fear of being wrong...or that I try to say it to quick...guess I've always had that problem...just felling a bit inane/ditzy lately...and mommma didn't raise no fool
I'm not paying attention to everything I do....I get lost in my I'll think that I've lost my keys or stand at crosswalk to long cause I've stopped paying attention to the signal...I don't know what it is...but I find myself clenching my teeth together...when I'm just sitting here at work...I'm so gonna have high blood pressure when I get older :p
got a new hamster...well lauren got it for me....TJ Houshmenzada...he's still a baby...hopefully this one doesn't die...or I'll be as comparable to lisa simpson is to cats
ok I remember what I thought of...something reminded me of a lawyer that my mom had when I was younger...clifford cloud...who really screwed us over in the end...but I remember before how nice I thought this guy his fresh smelling suits....his polite manner...I remember clearly being in his car...expensive car...the fresh smell of leather..riding up front when we were all going to lunch one day to discuss our case....and being so impressed by this man...and now I feel foolish for ever thinking made me think of how far my family has come...from basically nothing time and time again...but slowly it gets better..things come along and set me back a bit...but when you look at it as a whole....I actually feel lucky for once...lucky to be better off than be someone who is strong and will work hard for what I want and deserve...and even though I do get jealous of the girls that can grab whatever they want at urban outfitters despite price...I'm kinda glad that I can't....why should I spend that much on something I can do myself(which reminds me I have to finally start using that sewing machine)
...I just wanted to remember that thought...that I can look back at this later to remind myself that my life isn't so's actually getting better...slowly..but what's the rush anyways :p