nothing much to say.....just bored...waiting for work to be done so I can have a nice 5 days off...which means only two days of work next week :)....but sadly its only I need to find something to pass the time..
spring break this year will be at....MYRTLE BEACH....we were not sure if anything better would come up...and had to let them know right away so...thats what we got...right on the beach....on a not so much in the middle of nowhere like last year...even though last year was fun...just a drive to get places...anyways I'm already excited....3 months away....but thinking about being by the ocean...mmmmmmm...other than lying under the sun...its one of the most relaxing things to do....
-I've been thinking...and I think I still want to work for a television station of some sort...doing anything really...I think I would still enjoy doing all of maybe once I get a car I can try to volunteer for pbs...cause even with a degree to anchor you need 2 years experience in television....which I'm not sure if that is exactly what I want to do...but I wouldn't mind having the option...which would one day lead to having my own television show :)...located in a warm state of course...none of this new york or chicago
-sadly the american eagle in city center is closing saturday :( I remember when that mall actually had favorite american eagle around...with the best sales...once forever 21 leaves....tuttle will be hands down the best mall...and they did get that h&m that I'm dying to go today will be my last trip to the wonderful store...and hopefully the sales are as good as I imagine
-think I'll make some waffles sometime these just some belgian ones can't wait for lunch now
-doesn't really feel like christmas...and I'm not sure why...oh well