Spring Trip

Apr 26, 2009 20:02

Back in October I posted about my family's biannual trip to Noland's Creek, in the Great Smoky Mountains National Park, for decoration at two of the cemeteries we have relatives buried in. Today was the spring trip, which was much more pleasant than the October trip.

I'm cutting for a

These are some of the lovely flowers we saw. There were loads of trilliums and we even saw a lady slipper or two (unbloomed).

This is a new shot of the little footbridge we have to cross.

This is a shot of the creek from the bridge. This one is looking up the creek, if I recall correctly (my icons are too small to tell for sure.)

And this is the view looking down the creek.

This is a shot of the bridge as I am crossing it.

And these are my feet, to give some perspective on the width of this bridge. (And I'm not going to rant, but imagine being 75 and trying to cross this thing. And then to climb up a very steep hill. My grandfather did it well up into his 80s. I don't push for the Road to Nowhere to ever be finished, but I will fight to keep and improve the existing access to these ancient cemeteries.)

Okay. That's enough pics for now. I've got more of the cemetery itself I'll try to post later.

No matter what else I might complain about, I am very lucky to live in one of the most beautiful places on Earth.

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