A Decade

Mar 24, 2011 10:26

I have officially had this LJ for a decade. I signed up in grade 11 when I was in high school. keoki convinced me to, and while we don't talk anymore, I'm glad she did, because if I hadn't signed up, I would not have met my wife through here. Or the many other friends that I've had the pleasure of meeting. I wouldn't have had the nickname blog borg, either ;)

It's crazy to look back and read the things I've thought, felt, and done. Things that were so important, so scary and so real at the time are now just distant memories. Things that I've all but forgotten about until I go back and read them. I'm glad I've kept this thing up for as long as I have.

Here's to another 10 years of intermittent blogging about nothing spectacular!
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