Title: Will You Still Love Me Tomorrow {5/5}
Written for:
reddorozettePairing: pikame (& a bit of ryokame)
Words: 36 427
Rating: PG-15? (somewhere between PG-13 and R)
Notes: thank you very much to my beta!!!!! <3333
Summary: From the first moment that he met Kamenashi Kazuya, Yamashita Tomohisa knew, just knew, that somehow, he had done something horrible to the
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Now i'm gonna quote you back because well...it's fun XD
Not to mention that Kame is hilarious, playing him for his own amusement haha, I admit, i was amused while torturing Yamapi with Kame lol; Kame totally knew what he waas doing lol XDD
I can't get over how mean you are to him umm, in my defence......no pain no gain? :D idk, lol, it was just fun XDDD
I couldn't help but put in the bullying thing I admit; this fic already took on very fantasy/supernatural-like qualities, with the past life thing, so I wanted to add as much realism as I could :D good to see that it went over well~~ <3
and lol, I'm also quite happy to hear you liked Uchi :DDD because someone had to be the diabolical mastermind when Kame stopped torturing, i mean teasing *cough*, Yamapi XDDD
yeah, lol, at first, when I first started writing, they were all supposed to remember, but then it would be super complicated and even longer, and i figured that the way i had it here probably worked best with what I had planned so in the end, it ended up with kame not remembering a single thing XDD so I'm glad it made sense/worked :DDDD
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