Uhg.. 5ux025.....

May 20, 2005 23:49

Monday, May 18th 2005 at 1:32am,

Jodi sits down to play a nice game of halo when she recieves a sharp biting pain in her left lower abdomen. Sarah, who was sitting with Ryan, notices and goes to help.

She figures it was nothing and takes 3 ibuprofen tablets. But the pain persists, and becomes more intense. At this point she is curled into a ball, trying to take her mind off of the pain. Quickly, she gets up and runs to the bedroom to awaken chris. He, being worried, askes if she needs to go to the hospital. Ryan was one step ahead and brought the phone to Chris and he called the Paramedics.

About fifteen minutes later, the Fire Department arrives and begins asking probing questions while they wait for an Ambulance. And within a half an hour Jodi is loaded onto a ghurney, and hauled away to the Providence hospital on Colby.

As Jodi tosses and turns in the hospital bed waiting for the nurse, Sarah her loyal friend, stays by her side. Finally the nurse arrives with a cart in tow. Shortly there after, Chris shows and relieves Sarah of her duties.

But this nurse was not just any kind of nurse, he was mean and scary in jodi's eyes. The nurse, Brad, was very forceful, and he made her uncomfortable. Brad, while she was in a state of histeria, made things worse by stabbing a long needle into her fore arm causing her  to bleed profusely and cry out. *that hurt damnit* Then he yelled at her! How could he, she was just scared, he didn't even warn her!

So at 5:38 am, four hours later with a urinalisis, pelvic exam, and four doses of moriphine. Jodi goes home with a Urinary Tract Infection.

*>.<  Now I have to take this stupid medicine every fucking day for a week, which makes me sick to my stomach, because I spent the following day vomiting. On top of that, I have a HUGE fucking bruise on my arm from the IV. On the up side I did get my hands on some Vicodin! =^.~=

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