(no subject)

Nov 02, 2004 10:13

if only you were here, instead of just in my dreams.

Do you ..

smoke?: nada
do drugs?: naw
have a boyfriend/girlfriend?: yes :)
sleep with stuffed animals?: no. just my comfy pillow.
think you'll get married?: yes
have a dream that keeps coming back?: used to but not lately.
play an instrument?: nopers
believe there is life on other planets?: sure no reason not to
remember your first love?: yup
read the newspaper?: used to before I came to college. now i'm suposed to read the NYT everyday. HAHA
have gay/lesbian friends?: yap
believe in miracles?: yes
believe it's possible to remain faithful forever?: yup - it's all honesty!!
consider yourself tolerant of others?: sometimes
like the taste of alcohol?: some yes others no
like candy?: kinda
believe in astrology?: sure
believe in magic?: i guess
believe in God?: definitley
pray?: nada
go to church?: nada
have any secrets?: i doubt i have one that NO ONE knows.
have any pets?: :,(  so sad
go to college?: USM
talk to strangers who IM you?: i don't think many im me. i'm so scared about this since our whole phone situation
wear hats?: naw
hate yourself?: nope
wish you were someone else?: nada
have an obsession?: i don't think so.. chicken tender wraps at the crack shack :)
collect anything?: not really anymore
have a best friend(s)?: derek and i'll always have all my gurlies :) haha KB
wish on stars?: yep
like your handwriting?: i never really pay attention
have any bad habits?: yeah
care about looks?: not when i'm down here
believe in witches?: sure
believe in Satan?: um.. sure ?
believe in ghosts?: yup!
trust others easily?: nope
like noise?: not annoying little noises but i don't mind noise

What's the first thing you think of?

I see: i spy
I find: waldo
I want: him to be here
I love: you
I miss: so many
I fear: dying
I hear: people talking around the office
I smell: nothing
I crave: chicken tender wrap
I search: for everything 
I wonder: what i got on my math test. i get it back tonight.. ahh
I regret: ohh so many things
I cried: everytime i say good bye

When's the last time you ...

bought something?: yesterday
danced?: ???
were sarcastic?: no clue
kissed someone?: sunday :(
talked to an ex?: no clue
had a nightmare?: not sure

What's the last ..

book you read?: currently reading detour
movie you saw?: the exorist
song you heard?: i was listening to the chingy cd last night
thing you had to drink: water

What are you ...

feeling at this moment?: tired
doing other than filling out this survey?: talking to people around the office and doing a lil work here and there
planning on doing tomorrow?: work class homework phone sleep
wearing?: ae jeans and ae t-shirt
eating?: nothing

What/who is your favorite ...

band?: no idea
show?: Boy Meets World
song?: no idea
sport?: i love watching hockey
color?: pink
team?: ???
person to talk to online?: i really don't talk online much anymore
person?: derek

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