Title: Close Encounters
AmirealRating: NC-17
Length: Approx 4500 words.
Notes: Well this was... wish fulfillment for me, it's crack like, but not fully crack. Thanks to
seperis for the beta and the bitchslaps. Also thanks to
fairestcat who went over it and found the four apparently *glaring* errors that were hoarding other people's enjoyment for themselves
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In this one, I love the development. How you take John from the start of it to the next level to the next... By the third time jump, I was *waiting* for the words "a month later" (or any timeframe later), just to see where you were taking them next (and I so didn't expect the John taking the bullet!) And from there, things just spiralled to the final satisfying ending. You say so much in there without ever spelling it out, and I love that.
it occurs to John that 'crush' is probably the wrong word for it.
"Get better," John demands, brushing his lips over Rodney's forehead, "because this freak-out I feel coming? Will work better with two people."
"Not cruel," John says again, because it's the closest he can get to what he means. "Yeah," Rodney says, "I'm getting that."
Yes, very awesome, indeed. {happy sigh} Thank you for writing and sharing this with us!
Sometimes I think I do that too much, but I just love watching the struggle.
(and I so didn't expect the John taking the bullet!) And from there, things just spiralled to the final satisfying ending. You say so much in there without ever spelling it out, and I love that.
That was the point of the bullet. *wink*
I've always been a fan of not leading the reader by the hand, because you find that in a lot of fic and I'm like "Well duh!" or "boooring"
I'm glad you liked the fic, thanks for the feedback!
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