Where Did All the Physics Go?Author: Amireal
Rating: There be sexin' at some point.
Summary: "But that's just not possible!"
Genre: Crossover of DOOOM
Blame: YOU! *points* ALL of you!
Warnings: This should never have been written, ever. It's wrong and… evil and wrong. And they're digging me a special place in hell just for thinking of writing it.
Author's note: I really don't want to tell you what the crossover is because it sort of ruins the punch, if you really want to know, there's a link up top that'll take you to a seperate page that'll tell you what you want to know. You find out pretty quick though, so if you're willing to bear with me, you won't be waiting long. Thanks to
chopchica for the beta, for I am a surly and unthankful bitch.