Mar 10, 2004 19:29
I though a good way to get to know me was through the below survey thing. Also please fill it out so i can get to know you!
*A-Age: 18
*B-Best Friend:Kathryn
*C-Choice of Meat: Chicken
*D-Dream Date: picnic lunch on the beach
*E-Exciting Adventure: skydiving
*F-Favorite Food: Chicken ceasar salad
*G-Greatest Accomplishment: Silver Knight
*H-Happiest Day of your life: not sure :|
*I-Interests: Theater and shopping
*L-Love: my familt and friends
*M-Most Valued item: friendship
*N-Name: Amie!
*O-Outfit you love: odd questions but ok..i guess my kacki (sp) pants and a comfy cute shirt, and my disciple shoes!
*P-Pizza toppings: well i am on atkins and no pizza is allowed...but i love veggie pizzas
*Q-Question Asked to you the most: not the sure..but alot of people ask how i spell my first name?
*R-Radio Station: coast (97.3) and y-100 (100.7)
*S-Sport: doing: swimming
*T-Television Show: gilmore girls, one tree hill, friends and EVERWOOD
*U-Ur favorite song: right now..I'm sorry but i can't be perfect
*V-Video: lots..but right off hand...six sense, pirrates of the carribean, and the movie with a kid that trys to start a chain reaction of good deeds by passing it on to three people..what is the name?
*W-Winter: well only seen show once :(
*X-Xylophone: had one when i was younger
*Y-Year born: 1985
*Z-Zodiac Sign: sagitarus
Loc: Miami
Dob: 1/25
AIM: muffyworm
Eyes: green
Hair: when younger blonde but now brown
Are you in love: no
Do you have a bf/gf: no
When did you start going out:
[-have you ever-]
Drank alchol: Yes
Smoked: yes
Kissed someone: yes
Skinnydipped: no
Broke a bone: yes
Failed a class: no
Thought you were gonna die: yes
Killed someone: what kind of questions is
Cried over a boy/girl: unfornately yes
Had a death in the family: yes
Ran around nude: when i was i 2
[-status ; right now-]
Wearing: pj bottoms and t-shirt
Eating: nothing..water
Talking to: no one
Phone with: No one
Time: 7:05
Drinking: water..but really want a pina colada!!!!
Listening to: i's sorry but i can't be perfect
In: office